Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Turbulent Times Leadership For Sales Managers by Tom Connellan - Book review

Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers

How the Very Best Boost Sales

By: Tom Connellan

Published: August 16, 2010
Format: Trade Paperback, 135 pages
ISBN-10: 0976950634
ISBN-13: 978-0976950639
Publisher: Peak Performance Press

"In whatever way you're out of balance, it gets more pronounced in turbulent times", writes keynote speaker and consultant Tom Connellan, in his transformational and research based book Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers: How the Very Best Boost Sales. The author describes how a change in attitude and a change in the management of sales representatives will lead to increased sales regardless of the state of the economy.

Tom Connellan presents a three step formula for helping sales representatives achieve superior results in any economic climate. The three key features are:

* Believe in the sales representatives

* Hold them accountable for their results

* Give the reps appropriate feedback

The author points out that these three factors are practiced by every successful sales manager. The problem arises when sales conditions become more difficult in an economic downturn. The successful sales managers sometimes stop utilizing the three crucial features that lead to top producing salespeople. For Tom Connellan, the problem isn't that sales managers don't know or understand how to motivate their sales staff. The problem is that the three key factors are not applied consistently, and that variation between theory and practices becomes wider when sales numbers fall. The result of this vacillation is less sales and a less effective and engaged sales force.

Tom Connellan (photo left) pulls no punches when he writes that sales managers must go full throttle on all three factors. By believing in the sales team members, their self confidence levels rise and they begin to believe in themselves. The result is a self fulfilling prophecy where the sales people deliver high sales volumes. Sales accountability requires metrics that measure the correct aspects of the sales. The sales representative's goals must be set at the right level, where the numbers are achievable realistically, yet challenge the rep to reach, and then increase their personal peak potential. The sales people also require feedback from the sales manager in three categories. The sales staff need motivational feedback to let them know how they are performing on the job. They require informational feedback as to how well they are providing results. The reps also need developmental feedback in terms of how they can improve and grow as top producers.

For me, the power of the book is how Tom Connellan demonstrates the critical importance of consistent application of the three key factors for building a strong sales team. These three concepts are even more crucial in tough economic times. The author shares his in depth, real world research into the actions of the sales manager, and their impact on the performance of the salespeople. The three factors created top producing sales forces in every company where they were utilized in a regular and consistent manner.

The research also uncovered the more troubling find that during more difficult selling conditions, sales managers would stop applying the factors consistently. Instead, they would over use some of the techniques, under use other factors, and even ignore a feature or two entirely. Because the book is so strongly research based, these changes in sales manager behavior have been observed and quantified in actual sales situations. The author then provides some proven methods for maintaining consistency with the use of the three factors, resulting in superior sales production, regardless of the economy.

I highly recommend the very practical and sales team building book Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers: How the Very Best Boost Sales by Tom Connellan, to any sales managers who are serious about building and maintaining a top producing sales team in any economic circumstances. The research backed information presented in this book will guide the sales manager toward regular application of the three key factors, and away from the inconsistent behavior that appears during difficult economic conditions.

Read the sales management improving book Turbulent Times Leadership for Sales Managers: How the Very Best Boost Sales by Tom Connellan, and put the power of research and experience to work in establishing a superior and sustainable sales force in your organization. This book will put your sales representatives well ahead of the competition, regardless of whether the economy is weak or strong.

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