Selasa, 21 September 2010

Business Etiquette, Third Edition by Anne Marie Sabath - Book review

Business Etiquette, Third Edition

101 Ways to Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy

By: Ann Marie Sabath

Published: March 20, 2010
Format: Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 1601631200
ISBN-13: 978-1-60163-120-6
Publisher: Career Press

"Conducting business with charm and savvy means making an effort to learn more about others than you share about yourself", writes President of leading protocol and etiquette firm At Ease Inc., Ann Marie Sabath in her very practical and thought provoking book Business Etiquette, Third Edition: 101 Ways to Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy. The author shares the secret that good etiquette is based on making the other person with whom you are interacting feel as if they were the most important person in the world.

Ann Marie Sabath understands that people prefer to spend time, and conduct business, with people who make them feel great about themselves. This deceptively simple concept is the basis for the author's assertion,, that interest in and concern for others, forms the reason for good etiquette. While Ann Marie Sabath provides 101 techniques for good behavior and the proper action to take in certain circumstances, the solutions all return to the book's main thesis. By showing genuine concern and respect for the other person, the natural thing to do is almost always the proper thing as well. Since there are so many techniques presented in the book, the author guides the reader through the learning process buy taking small steps on the larger journey to understanding and practicing good etiquette in every business situation.

Ann Marie Sabath (photo left) describes her approach to good business etiquette as showing respect for others and making them feel good about themselves. The author also shares 101 techniques covering every business occasion to ensure that other receive that proper respect. To learn and internalize the lessons, Ann Marie Sabath shares the following small steps process:

* Put others at ease by showing more confidence and poise in business settings

* Handle moments of hesitation with with a style that leaves your contacts glad you were there

* Negotiate more "win-win" outcomes

The various chapters of the book provide the step by step details for achieving and practicing good business manners and etiquette for every occasion.

For me, the power of the book is how Ann Marie Sabath not only describes the techniques of proper business etiquette, but also shares why manners are so important. The author recognizes that simply learning the rote protocols is not enough if a person has no real understanding of why these actions are so important. The learning and utilizing of the concepts taught in the book put the other person at ease and make them feel important. To show good manners is to show the other person that one cares about them. The etiquette leads to deeper personal relationships based on knowing, liking, and trusting the other person. With these richer relationships, there is better understanding of the business issues, of common goals, and increased likelihood of more financially rewarding results for all parties concerned. On the more educational side of the book, Ann Marie Sabath not only shares the appropriate actions, but summarizes them at the end of each chapter to facilitate easier learning. Overall, this book is an excellent course in the hows and whys of good business etiquette.

I highly recommend the very readable and informative book Business Etiquette, Third Edition: 101 Ways to Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy by Ann Marie Sabath, to any business person who seeks to improve their own business manners, confidence and poise. The result of reading this book is better and fuller relationships with clients, colleagues, vendors, and customers both within and outside of the workplace.

Read the wonderful primer Business Etiquette, Third Edition: 101 Ways to Conduct Business With Charm & Savvy by Ann Marie Sabath, and discover the power and importance of proper manners and good etiquette in any situation, whether on business or outside of the office. This book will transform anyone from ordinary to someone who has genuine concern for others.

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