Jumat, 17 September 2010

Bootstrap Leadership by Steve Arneson - Book review

Bootstrap Leadership

50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge and Move Up

By: Steve Arneson

Published: May 10, 2010
Format: Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 1605093459
ISBN-13: 978-1605093451
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"The world is becoming more complicated every day, and we are becoming increasingly reliant on one key ingredient, at all levels of business and society, to help us make sense of the complexities. That critical factor is leadership", by thought leader, coach, and President of Arneson Leadership Consulting, Steve Arneson in his effective and insightful book Bootstrap Leadership 50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge and Move Up. The author answers his central question of how a person can become a better leader with fifty how-to techniques for developing latent and already existing leadership skills.

Steve Arneson begins his quest to improving leadership skills by having the leader take a personal assessment. The check list of skills is not simply a self evaluation, but also an open and honest solicitation of how others view the leader's current skills. Armed with this feedback, the leader is prepared to make improvements where skills are lacking or can use some enhancement. The author stresses that leaders must be open to addressing their weaknesses and be open to improvement. Steve Arneson does a fine job of preparing leaders for self improvement, and for sharing the essential skills required of a successful leader. More importantly, the author doesn't stop the leadership abilities at the office door. The leader is encouraged to continue personal growth beyond the business or employment level to become more globally aware.

Steve Arneson (photo left) recognizes that for the leaders of tomorrow, simply understanding the company or its industry won't be enough in the ever more globalized economy. As a result, a leader must continue to learn and grow as a person and a global citizen. The author describes the opportunities for leaders to grow through embracing diversity, creativity, innovation, and the inspiration of others. Steve Arneson encourages further personal growth for leaders by having them step out of their comfort zones. By learning new skills outside of the familiar, a leader is more prepared to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and provide enriched inspiration to followers. Most importantly, the author reminds leaders that the most important people are the team, and the development of the next generation of leaders. Without this critical leadership skill and achievement, a leader won't be a success. With that consideration in mind, Steve Arneson provides wisdom for the leader to inspire and create new and effective leaders for the future.

For me the power of the book is how Steve Arneson not only shares fifty ideas for becoming a more effective leader, but also demonstrates why improved leadership is essential for the individual, the team, and the organization. Not only does the author help build the personal and organizational leadership portfolio, but also encourages the exploration of global curiosity. Stepping outside of the confines of local thinking and one's own zone of comfort, takes a leader to entirely new level of leadership skills and inspiration. Along with the very practical and readily applicable concepts for improving leadership skills, the author inspires the leader to ever more lifelong learning and development. As an added bonus, each chapter of the book contains a quick refresher summary to further encourage the leader to continue to reassess new and existing skills over a lifetime.

I highly recommend the leadership skills building guide Bootstrap Leadership 50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge and Move Up by Steve Aneson, to anyone serious about not only becoming a more successful and effective leader, but who also understands the importance of developing a new generation of future leaders. This book is a text book for lifelong personal growth, and can be read over and over again to learn new abilities, and to reinforce existing leadership strengths and overcome those troubling weak points.

Read the hands on how-to book Bootstrap Leadership 50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge and Move Up by Steve Arneson, and become the superior leader able to inspire others to greatness. This engaging book is a valuable addition to any leader's book shelf, and is certain to become dog eared from continued references over the years.

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