Rabu, 29 September 2010

Accidental Genius, Second Edition by Mark Levy - Book review

Accidental Genius, Second Edition

Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content

By: Mark Levy

Published: August 9, 2010
Format: Paperback: 192 pages
ISBN-10: 1605095257
ISBN-13: 978-1605095257
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Our minds hold a vast invisible inventory of thoughts and expertise", writes marketer, creative thinker, and founder of market strategy firm Levy Innovation, Mark Levy, in his revolutionary and idea generating book Accidental Genius, Second Edition: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content. The author updates and expands upon the first edition of his now classic book Accidental Genius: Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing, and shares even more techniques and wider applications, with his brilliant brainstorming concept of freewriting.

Mark Levy has updated, and even transformed his own thinking and writing, using the freewriting method. The second edition picks up where the first edition left off, and even demonstrates how creativity can change opinions of the idea people themselves. That change in thinking, and development of deeper and richer understanding of the creative process, happened for Mark Levy himself. By utilizing the ideation technique of what he called private writing, the author demonstrated how to create fresh ideas for oneself. That personal idea only thesis was the basis of the first edition. Over time, however, Mark Levy has altered his thoughts on that principle. Instead of keeping the writing results to oneself, Mark Levy now advises his readers to take them public. By taking this more wide ranging and sharing approach, the freewriting technique advances the former private writing method to the next level.

Mark Levy (photo left) brings an entirely new dimension to his freewriting technique. The problem solving tool of freewriting can induce a person's mind to formulate solutions to even the most intractable business problems. Interestingly, the technique of freewriting is more akin to play, than it is to work. The symbiotic relationship between play and creative thinking is well known, and Mark Levy applies this correlation very effectively in his ideation techniques. In the first edition, the author was quite adamant about keeping the results of private writing secret. He has since changed that mode of thought, leading to additional applications of freewriting. The new edition contains several additional techniques to supplement the core system of freewriting.

For me, the power of the book is how Mark Levy completely revamps and enhances his writing as idea generator concept. The method of freewriting described in the book is an improved form of the original and very effective private writing tactic. Indeed, the two methods can be used for different purposes, along with the extra techniques added to the freewriting tool. The process of freewriting, as described by Mark Levy, also has some very powerful applications for writers, authors, bloggers, and other public thought leaders.

The fresh and highly original step of taking private writing public, in the form of freewriting, opens up the concept to groups and entire organizations, as a more widely based cultural change. In today's economy, innovation and creative thinking are not only critical for initiating new products and services, but are essential for the very survival of the business. A writer utilizing the freewriting ideation tool can develop new books and articles that can establish one as an expert in the field. The uses for freewriting are unlimited for any person or organization.

I highly recommend the game changing and thought leadership building book Accidental Genius, Second Edition: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content by Mark Levy, to anyone seeking a proven, effective, yet inexpensive brainstorming tactic that will deliver tremendous results. The rewards for innovation have never been higher or more crucial, and this book will place the reader at the forefront of thought leadership in any industry.

Read the transformational and mind opening book Accidental Genius, Second Edition: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight, and Content by Mark Levy, and put the creative strength of freewriting to work for you. Just start the writing process, and let the ideas flow from your pen to paper. The results will astound even the most skeptical person of their value.

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