Minggu, 05 September 2010

Confucius Jade by Frederick Fisher - Book review

Confucius Jade

By: Frederick Fisher

Published: March 30, 2010
Format: Perfect Paperback, 350 pages
ISBN-10: 0981929133
ISBN-13: 978-0981929132
Publisher: Dudley Court Press

Kong Wan Yi, descendant of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius, narrates the remarkable story of a beautiful jade carving of Shou-Xing Lao, Chinese God of Longevity. The story tells of the near miraculous origin of the jade, its amazing carving, its mystical powers, and its effect on the entire Kong family. The work of art becomes part of a high stakes bidding war between three billionaires who covet the carving's perceived properties to generate long life and atonement. This fantastic tales is woven in the enjoyable and engaging novel Confucius Jade by retired gemologist and frequent traveler to China, Frederick Fisher.

Frederick Fisher creates a world where magic exists in very tangible and affects people in both mystical and real ways. The book is a marvelous fable of loss and redemption, of the seeking and meaning of immortality, the importance of family, and of the spiritual healing power of forces greater than even the wealthiest person. The story is one of many journeys. There is the overarching journey of the jade itself, from its origins to its eventual discovery, its carving into a priceless work of art, and its eventual final resting place. The novel also chronicles the Kong family, of which Confucius was the most memorable member. The Kong family travels from place to place throughout the book, but is always at home in their hearts and minds, if not their physical bodies. The tale also covers the fateful voyages of the three wealthy would be owners of the jade, as their lives are intricately entwined with that of the jade itself.

Frederick Fisher (photo left) presents many themes under the guise of a fable. The jade possesses miraculous powers, or so it seems. The author tantalizes the reader with the possibility that the gods of China play an active role in the lives of its people, and of anyone who comes into contact with that vast and ancient land. The jade represents the possibility of long life, important to many people, and perhaps even critical for those who possess great material riches. The jade carving also presents the deeper power of redemption and atonement. For the three billionaires who have lived troubled by the mistreatment of others, of seeking wealth and power for their own sakes, and casting aside the true riches of of love and family, the jade presents a redeeming quality and a second chance. For the Kong family, the jade is a connection to the past of the family, all the way back to Confucius, and a gateway into a future where the teachings of the ancient sage can become a basis for peace and happiness for all humanity.

Frederick Fisher writes fluidly, and shares his passion for the world of fine gems, art, and his love for the people of China. He may not have set out to create an allegory of the healing power of love, family, and of helping others even in very small ways, but ended up rediscovering the magic that dwells in everyone and everything. The jade may or may not possess mystical properties, but the ability of people's souls to project their hopes, fears, and desire for redemption onto the little statues, forms a magic all of its own. The jade was simply the key that unlocked the love of family and all people that lives inside of everyone, including three billionaires who had spent their lives in avarice. For the Kong family, the jade projected their dreams of reestablishing the teachings of Confucius as a guide to living for everyone in the world.

I highly recommend the exciting and delightful novel Confucius Jade by retired gemologist and frequent traveler to China, Frederick Fisher. The characters are well drawn, memorable, and real for the reader. Even the jade itself, and the spirit of Confucius and his teachings, are important characters in the story.

Read the enthralling and page turning novel Confucius Jade by retired gemologist and frequent traveler to China, Frederick Fisher, and travel with the characters from China, to America, to their eventual peace with themselves and their families. It is a rewarding and wonderful voyage.

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