Sabtu, 25 September 2010

The Diversity Code by Michelle T. Johnson - Book review

The Diversity Code

Unlock the Secrets to Making Differences Work in the Real World

By: Michelle T. Johnson

Published: September 8, 2010
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 0814416322
ISBN-13: 978-0814416327
Publisher: AMACOM

"When it comes to managing diversity issues, it becomes really important to think a little differently, because if you view the world differently, you show up in the world differently, which impacts how you behave and how you treat others", writes newspaper columnist and former employment attorney Michelle T. Johnson, in her thought provoking and complacency disrupting book The Diversity Code: Unlock the Secrets to Making Differences Work in the Real World. The author goes well beyond the usual bromides and how to lists, and presents a real world description of the challenges and importance of understanding the complicated issue of workplace diversity.

Michelle T. Johnson understands that changing one's thinking about diversity is not easy or accomplished overnight. She states outright that understanding diversity requires effort on the part of everyone. The author also recognizes that people have difficulty placing themselves in the shoes of other people, making the taking of this effort even more essential. For the author, managing diversity in the workplace is much more than numbers, following the various laws and regulations. Real diversity management involves recognizing differences in others, managing those differences, and in feeling comfortable in taking the necessary actions. For each manager, this means internalizing the desire and motivation to understand employment diversity in all of its many forms.

Michelle T. Johnson (photo left) stresses that while workplace diversity is the responsibility, the onus is on the organizational leaders to set the tone of understanding that diversity is part of the workplace. Leaders can't afford to become complacent that their employees are willing, able, and are well informed on the subject of differences between people. Leaders in the human resources department must be kept aware that simple adherence to numbers, and following the legislation to the letter. While these factors are important, they alone are not really embracing the diversity code. For the author, diversity understanding is more than political correctness. It more a way of thinking than of acting. The book helps to open dialogue with people from different cultures and lifestyles, and reaching out and building bridges to understanding others with honesty and openness.

For me, the power of the book is how Michelle T. Johnson pulls few punches in sharing the real world experiences of workplace diversity. She doesn't sugar coat the fact that understanding and practicing true employment diversity requires effort to change the way organizational leaders, managers, and employees think. The format of the book is one where each chapter begins with a diversity based question, and the subsequent chapter addresses the issue.

Like many hands on books, this one also contains end of chapter exercises. The twist provided by the author, however, is the exercises are designed into the form of games, making them much more interesting to the reader, and enhanced learning tools. Michelle T. Johnson never dodges the difficult questions surrounding diversity, recognizing that people will gain understanding, and change their worldview at different speeds, and through varying techniques of learning. The book is a powerful guide to learning the critical importance of acknowledging, understanding, and internalizing diversity at all levels of an organization.

I highly recommend the groundbreaking and landmark book The Diversity Code: Unlock the Secrets to Making Differences Work in the Real World by Michelle T. Johnson, to anyone serious about meeting the challenges of diversity in the workplace. Thia book is a no nonsense book that will serve as both starting point for changing a company culture to one of diversity, and as an ongoing road map to continuing the journey to encouraging and internalizing further diversity within organization.

Read the very approachable and timely book The Diversity Code: Unlock the Secrets to Making Differences Work in the Real World by Michelle T. Johnson, and discover how to implement and maintain a diversity program within your own organization successfully. This book will show you how to add the fresh thinking and other strengths of a diverse workforce to your company.

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