Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

PBS NewsHour: Making Sen$e of the Foreclosure Crisis

Financial news dominated the headlines of 2010. All next week, (December 27 – 31, 2010) PBS NewsHour presents a 5-part series of encore reports by Paul Solman on the housing crisis, its impact on individuals throughout the nation, and the response of both the government and the private sector. It’s all part of his ongoing coverage, “Making Sen$e” of financial news.

Winners and Losers of Florida’s Foreclosure Crisis:

Paul Solman explores how the economic crisis has affected attitudes toward government with a report from Florida on people who lost homes to foreclosures and the buyers who are snapping up the properties.

Watch the video of Winners and Losers of Florida's Foreclosure Crisis

Homeowners Express Frustration with Government Loan Modifications:

Many struggling homeowners rely on loan modifications from government programs to keep afloat on their mortgages. Paul Solman speaks with homeowners who say they are running into problems with these services.

Faulty Paperwork Prompts Deepening Foreclosure Problem:

As foreclosures mount, Paul Solman reports on attorneys general who have launched an investigation into claims of faulty lender paperwork.

Boston Firm Offers Homeowners a Second Chance After Foreclosure:

For those who have lost a home they could have afforded at market rate, Boston Community Capital offers an avenue to regain ownership. BCC imposes strict regulations, but none of the 90 properties they have financed have defaulted so far. Paul Solman reports.

Winners and Losers in Home Mortgage Modification:

Paul Solman follows up with questions and viewer reaction surrounding mortgage modifications as part of his reporting on Making Sense or Financial News.

Paul Solman (photo left)

Coverage Continues Online

Dec 27 – Dec 31:

* Alyssa Katz: How Government Is Failing the Homeowner

New thoughts from author and journalist Alyssa Katz, who has covered the financial and housing crises

* The American Dream Deferred: What Befell our Strategic Defaulters?

Strategic Defaulters Update: Jason Welsh and Josh Barlett from April 2010 piece

* The Loan Mod Squad: A Request to Business Desk Readers

Business Desk viewer Q&A

* Foreclosure Fight? Bankruptcy Is Best, Says the Dean

Business Desk viewer Q&A

Jan. 3 – Jan. 5

* Monday, Jan 3: Should You Swim Away From an Underwater Mortgage?

A KQED ‘You Decide’ widget asks the question: Should you walk away from an underwater mortgage?

* Tuesday, Jan. 4: A Mortgage-Backed Security Map: The Fantastic Fate of One Man's Loan

One person mapped the history of his mortgage, including who owns it. The process took him more than a year.

* Wednesday, Jan. 5: Strategic Default: Right or Wrong?

Paul Solman talks with Brent White, Luigi Zingales and Bill Valenti in three separate web chats.

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