Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Defy Gravity by Rebel Brown - Book review

Defy Gravity

Propel Your Business to High-Velocity Growth

By: Rebel Brown

Published: September 14, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 221 pages
ISBN-10: 1608320545
ISBN-13: 978-1608320547
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press

"Either we're growing our business or we're losing market share. There is no middle ground in today's market", writes corporate strategy, leadership, and motivational expert Rebel Brown in her brilliant and thought provoking book Defy Gravity: Propel Your Business to High-Velocity Growth. the author describes the fundamental change in thought that must take place to move a business forward from a dangerous and company stagnating status quo.

Rebel Brown recognizes the critical importance of growth to a company's continuing success. Unfortunately, for many companies, forecasting growth is all too often simply extrapolating past performance numbers into the future. As Rebel Brown points out so well, past performance is not a reliable predictor of future success. Indeed, the numbers from the past where different market and economic conditions existed, may lead a company to miss profitable business opportunities. As a result, Rebel Brown reminds business leaders to look forward instead of into the past. With a forward focus, companies are better equipped to make necessary course changes, should there be unexpected events taking place in the marketplace, or in the economy. Rebel Brown guides business people to accept that change to a plan is often essential, despite the reluctance to make alterations to the existing plan.

Rebel Brown (photo left) applies the analogy of flight to build a deeper and richer understanding of her guiding business growth principles. To achieve full powered flight, Rebel Brown reminds leaders that today's rapidly changing market no longer resembles or behaves like the slow moving, established markets of the past. As a result, companies must be more flexible, nimble, and not weighted down with excess baggage. Because today's markets are so dynamic, opportunities exist everywhere in the marketplace. These profitable markets are often missed or overlooked due to tunnel vision, group think, or a focus on the past rather than the future. By thinking and acting in a dynamic manner, business leaders are able to not only see opportunities in advance, but to capture them as well. By letting go of the status quo, as Rebel advises, limits to a company's growth potential can be removed successfully. A forward focus that includes the company's core values will provide a road map to uncovering opportunities for growth. With a forward focus, a business is better equipped to make dramatic course corrections to better position itself for adding value and growth.

For me, the power of the book is how Rebel Brown combines the theory of high powered growth with practical steps to achieve unprecedented success. The author presents a very effective analogy of flight to illustrate her critical points. Because her concepts are revolutionary, the use of the airplane metaphor provides richer understanding of her principles. Along with the illuminating airborne metaphors, Rebel Brown enhances here concepts with real world case studies of the gravity defying principles in action. Rebel Brown is a leading corporate strategist and that background is evident in her thought leadership presented in this fine book.

Rebel Brown emphasizes seeking and capitalizing on value opportunities through maintaining a forward focus, a dynamic ability to change course when necessary, and constant eye to value. With these concepts in mind, Rebel Brown demonstrates how to create business strategy that takes each element into consideration, in a holistic approach to strategy formulation. Overall, this powerful book will transform even the most moribund, status quo oriented company into a jet powered company, capable of seizing opportunities as they arise, and continuing their important growth plans.

I highly recommend the essential and empowering book Defy Gravity: Propel Your Business to High-Velocity Growth by Rebel Brown, to any business leaders who seek to maximize their growth potential through the application of these game changing concepts to their companies. Every chapter contains critical, value multiplying information that is both practical and results oriented. The principles in this book are a valuable addition to the field of corporate strategy.

Read the obstacle clearing and mind changing book Defy Gravity: Propel Your Business to High-Velocity Growth by Rebel Brown, and put the gravity defying principles to work for your company. With the status quo removed as a competitor, the entire focus can be on achieving success through growth. The competition in the marketplace will be left looking up from the runway.

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