Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

The Hyper-Social Organization by Francois Gossieaux & Ed Moran - Book review

The Hyper-Social Organization

Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media

By: Francois Gossieaux, Ed Moran

Published: June 21, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 320 pages
ISBN-10: 0071714022
ISBN-13: 978-0071714020
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"With the rise of social media, which provides a massive platform of participation and a social infrastructure that is finally catching up with the commerce infrastructure, the social element is reentering commerce and business with a vengeance", write co-founder and partner at Beeline Lab, Francois Gossieaux, and Director, Deloitte Services LP, Ed Moran, in their perceptive and visionary book The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media. The authors describe how social media has transformed the entire concept of relationships with customers, from one of marketing to a new world of socializing in the communities of the customer's own choosing.

Francois Gossieaux (photo left) and Ed Moran recognize how the consumer landscape has changed beyond recognition, from one where one way broadcasting of marketing messages dominated, to one where social media interaction with customers is the new normal. Because of this transition from a controlled marketing message world to one of interactive social media, the authors exhort business to become what they call hyper-social. As the authors emphasize, business people who ignore the power of social media, or become intimidated by the media aspect, will lose their potential customers to the competition. A failure to socialize with consumers, in their growing online social communities, is a missed opportunity to interact and engage with people on a human level.

Ed Moran (photo left and Francois Gossieaux guide business people toward the new dynamic interactive world through becoming hyper-social. For business people steeped in the fast becoming obsolete marketing paradigm, the authors provide a blueprint for making a successful transformation into a hyper-social company. To be successful at interacting in communities and tribes, and for recognizing the identities of each customer, the need to understand the social landscape is critical. Their five steps to changing to a hyper-social company, as outlined by the authors, are as follows:

* Forget technology—understand the four drivers of successful communities.
* Forget market segments and consumers—think tribes and humans.
* Forget company-centricity— think human-centricity.
* Forget channels—think networks.
* Forget process and hierarchies— think social messiness.

For me, the power of the book is how Francois Gossieaux and Ed Moran combine the theory of hyper-social organizations with practical steps to entering the dynamic and exhilarating social media milieu. To support their concepts, the authors share the latest research into online consumer social networking behavior. The addition of the study findings strengthens the case made by the authors and underlines the sea change taking place right before the eyes of business people. Those organizations that choose to embrace the new social world of communities, tribes, and one on one engagement, will prosper.

Business people who fail to make the transition to the social media communities will lose their customers. They will also be at a loss as to how to recover those lost customers, as their traditional channels will no longer reach or influence them. The authors share a powerful vision of an entirely new marketing landscape that will not resemble anything that was seen formerly as marketing. The personalization of the online media has passed the point of no return. As a result, it's essential for organizations to make the move to a social basis, or risk falling behind their hyper-social competitors entirely. This book provides the tools necessary for making a seamless and effective transition from traditional marketing company to that of a hyper-social organization.

I highly recommend the insightful and important book The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media by Francois Gossieaux and Ed Moran, to anyone seeking an approachable and research based road map for navigating through the new social media landscape. The book answers the most difficult questions that arise when business people consider taking that tentative first step into using social media to interact with existing and potential customers. The authors provide the theoretical background as to why it's critical to become part of the social media conversation, and the practical tools to become fully integrated in social media communities and tribes.

Read the landmark book The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media by Francois Gossieaux and Ed Moran, and take the bold initiative toward being a hyper-social organization. Your competition may already be using social media, but if your business becomes hyper-social, you will leave them far behind.

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