Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Online University: 15 Philosophy Books for Business Students

OnlineUniversity.com Blog posted a list of their recommended 15 Philosophy Books Every Business Student Should Read. As expected, the list contains standard philosophy classics from several different historical eras, ranging from the ancient world to the twentieth century.

While a person might disagree with the order, and the inclusions and omissions, the list is an excellent starting point for business students. Anyone working their way through this remarkable list will achieve a better grasp, not only of philosophy, but of business as well. It is my firm conviction that a solid grounding in the Humanities, including literature, philosophy, history and languages, serves a business person very well. Indeed, the failure to read, learn, and absorb the wisdom found in the great works leaves a real gap in anyone's education.

Reading and understanding the timeless wisdom found in the Humanities is even more critical for business students, as the moral and ethical dilemmas of our current era, have arisen in the past. The great writers have grappled with these issues for centuries. They offer guidance, that a business student who aspires to a leadership role, would be wise to consider and reflect upon. A business person will be a more effective leader and decision maker as a result.

As the blog post states:

There’s a lot of wisdom to be gained from philosophers — hailing from both this century and those of ancient times. Not only have they helped educate some of the best and brightest at universities and in classrooms around the world, they also serve as education and inspiration for those in the business world. These philosophical tomes touch on ideas like morality and ethics, human nature and leadership– all of which can be directly applied to aspects of business as diverse as management and marketing. So if you’re a business student looking for a little inspiration in your studies or new insights in seeing the world, don’t miss out on these amazing reads.

To get you started, the fascinating, and complacency shattering classic, A Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin (shown top left) is listed as Number 4 on the list:

What meaning does art have in a world where nearly everything is produced en masse? It’s an interesting point for any business to contemplate. Do you want your products to be unique or do you want them all to be just the same? There are arguments to be made for each, and Benjamin starts the discussion on what art means in the modern age within this text.

As a matter of interest, I have read eight of the fifteen books. I still have some work to do as well. It's a good thing that I believe in and fully support lifelong learning.

Happy reading!

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