Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Surrounded By Geniuses By Alan S. Gregerman - Book review

Surrounded by Geniuses

By: Alan S. Gregerman, Ph.D.

Published: September 2010
Format: Trade Paperback, 250 pages
ISBN: 9781402244841
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc.

"Not by doing business as usual, but by rediscovering the curiosity and talent in all of us and using it to unlock genius in the world around us", writes strategy and innovation authority, and Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Venture Works, Alan S. Gregerman, in his brilliant and change facilitating book Surrounded by Geniuses. The author presents the disarming and mind opening concept that each person has the capacity for genius, and that everyone is in constant contact with other people who also posses that genius ability.

Alan Gregerman begins his journey to reinventing the way that people within organizations with two simple premises. Simple on the surface, they contain what amounts to the unlimited potential for ideas that is part of being human. The two ideas are:

* There is latent genius within each one of us
* We are surrounded by a world filled with other geniuses as well

The author not only recognizes the hidden ability for creativity and innovation within individuals and groups, but that ability can be harnessed to transform any company or organization. Alan Gregerman demonstrates how to tap into this powerful stream of brilliant minds by encouraging leaders to look beyond their own expertise and best practices. The author challenges executives to embrace the unlimited, and often unrecognized genius, awaiting discovery in the world around them.

Alan S. Gregerman (photo left) recognizes that genius can appear at any time, and originate with anyone. The culture that has nurtured the mentality that only those in positions of authority can generate new ideas has done tremendous harm to organizations. As the recent economic downturn has made clear, the idea creation skills of business leadership has been found wanting, and even destructive. The failure to consider the potential for genius within every person has done great harm. Alan Gregerman offers a positive solution to this creativity crisis with his two deceptively simple premises. The author's recommendations run counter to outmoded, conventional thinking on innovation, and even of human intelligence and capabilities. For Alan Gregerman, part of the failure to understand and embrace internal genius is the rigid compartmentalization found within the modern organization. Indeed, for the author, the stepping outside of the silo provides fresh thinking and taps into the intuitive genius of the new observer.

For me, the power of the book is how Alan S. Gregerman describes the clear and concise premise of universal latent genius. The author presents a strong theoretical framework as to why conventional leadership fails to consider ideas outside of the usual narrow spheres. Alan Gregerman supports his concepts with concrete reasons why leaders don't develop the context for genius, and indeed are stifling fresh thinking in the organization. The author shares practical, ready to apply techniques for freeing the hidden genius in everyone within the organization.

The book contains a series of methods for unleashing the potent genius factor within a company, leading to revitalization and renewal of the entire business. The challenge for leaders is to recognize their employees' vast untapped genius reserve, and to nurture each person to discover the internal genius within them. When this realization is put into practice, the possibilities for innovation and growth of the organization are unlimited.

I highly recommend the groundbreaking and must read book Surrounded by Geniuses by Alan S. Gregerman, to anyone seeking an alternative way of thinking about genius. Instead of perpetuating the myth that genius is a rare event, the author presents the empowering concept that everyone possesses the capacity for genius. He also demonstrates that the people around you every day are also latent geniuses awaiting their opportunity to display their creativity.

Read the empowering book Surrounded by Geniuses by Alan S. Gregerman, and put the power of genius to work for your organization. The transformation from an ordinary company to an exceptional one will put your business far ahead of the competition.

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