Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

SNAP Selling by Jill Konrath - Book review

SNAP Selling

Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers

By: Jill Konrath

Published: May 27, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 320 pages
ISBN-10: 1591843308
ISBN-13: 978-1591843306
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin

"We're on the cusp of a new age in selling. It's time to create new basics and go of the old ones", writes sales strategist and keynote speaker Jill Konrath in her revolutionary and very relevant book SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers. The author describes how in today's business environment, people are tuning out traditional sales presentations. In their place, Jill Konrath offers an alternative concept where sales representatives become guides to improving businesses and people's hectic lives.

Jill Konrath recognizes that the sales tactics of the past are no longer effective in today's fast paced business climate. In today's economy, buyers are seeking real solutions that will boost their bottom line, and make their extremely busy schedules much easier to handle. With less money, fewer resources, not as many people, and heavier personal workloads, the last thing a customer wants is to be sold to by a traditional salesperson. A sales representative must be relevant, useful, and real resource who will improve the business, its products and services, and its overall profitability. These overwhelmed and busy customers suffer from what Jill Konrath calls Frazzled Customer Syndrome. People with that condition simply tune out sales presentations, calls, and visits that create a demand on their time. As a result, well worn sales techniques are not only ineffective, but more likely counterproductive, resulting in the loss of customers and any potential sales.

Jill Konrath (photo left) understands that the old ways of selling simply do not work any longer. In their place, she shares a sales method that is not only much more effective, but also is less stressful for both the sales representative and the customer. The system that Jill Konrath offers to salespeople is her SNAP principle. The rules of SNAP are:

* Keep it Simple
* Be iNvaluable
* Always Align
* Raise Priorities

These straightforward concepts will gain more appointments and cause much less consternation on the part of time constrained customers. The obstacles usually faced by practitioners of outmoded sales tactics will be removed by this credible and business enhancing approach. Instead of roadblocks, the SNAP sales staff will be welcomed as reliable and helpful resources, whose goals are in alignment with those of the customer. The result is more sales for the representative, fewer problems and less hassle for the customer, and greater profits for everyone.

For me, the power of the book is how Jill Konrath provides a set of effective sales rules that are suited to today's highly competitive sales climate. The SNAP principles shared by the author are also more compatible with the needs of the overwhelmed buyer of today. Faced with time constraints, additional responsibilities due to fewer resources and reduced budgets, the modern buyer is seeking an easier way to make purchases. The SNAP salesperson who is in tune with the motivations and objectives of the Frazzled Customer Syndrome afflicted buyer, will make more appointments, close more sales, and retain long term customers.

Jill Konrath guides the sales rep through the entire SNAP processand only explains in detail how the concepts work. Perhaps more importantly, the author demonstrates why the rules work where other sales tactics fail, due to the new sales climate. Not only are the old techniques less effective than in the past, they are now more likely to alienate current and prospective customers than to make any sales. Jill Konrath shows the reader how to become a trusted business improvement specialist, rather than an old school sales rep. The transformation in thought and action will be noticed by both the customers and by the salespeople themselves.

I highly recommend the very insightful and must read book SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers by Jill Konrath, to any salesperson or sales manager who is serious about changing their mindset to one of SNAP selling from the outdated techniques of the past. This book provides not only the tools for utilizing the SNAP principles effectively, but the author also demonstrates why these rules are crucial in today's challenging sales environment.

Read the timely and essential book SNAP Selling: Speed Up Sales and Win More Business with Today's Frazzled Customers by Jill Konrath, and put the power of the SNAP concepts to work for you and your customers. The old sales ways aren't working any longer, and this book gives you the tools to succeed in this and any sales climate.

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