Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

The Social Media Survival Guide, 2nd Edition by Sherrie A. Madia & Paul Borgese - Book review

The Social Media Survival Guide

Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business Exponentially with Social Media, 2nd Edition

By: Sherrie A. Madia, Ph.D., Paul Borgese

Published: February 15, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 255 pages
ISBN-10: 0982618514
ISBN-13: 978-0982618516
Publisher: Full Court Press

"There is a massive divide between being a user of social media and possessing a thorough knowledge of its strategic applications. More often than not, companies are confusing use with knowledge", write consultants, speakers, and social media advocates Sherrie A. Madia and Paul Borgese, in their insightful and information packed, social media best practices guide The Social Media Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business Exponentially with Social Media, 2nd Edition. The authors describe the critical mistakes that many companies make as they enter into a social media campaign without a strategy or social media policy, resulting in activity that fails to engage the target audience, resulting in weak and unfocused content and social media stagnation.

Sherrie A. Madia (photo left) and Paul Borgese recognize the importance of creating a social media strategy and plan for a company. The authors also realize that very few companies have actually entered into the social media world effectively. Many businesses have not utilized the engagement and relationship building aspects of social media at all. They have created a book for the dazed and confused business leaders, who are trapped in the gap between their fear of using social media in a random and haphazard manner, and utilizing social media as an effective and productive program for their organization. The authors identify the five most common mistakes made by companies as they make their halting and hesitant forays into social media:

* Using social media without a strategic plan
* Not having a social media policy for their staff
* Not creating a plan designed for the target audience
* Creating ineffective, unhelpful, and self serving content
* Letting their social media usage stagnate from lack of a plan

Paul Borgese (photo left) amd Sherrie A. Madia present a solid case for companies to consider entry into the social media sphere. The stakes are simply too high for businesses to not utilize the massive relationship building potential offered by social media participation. If a company's competitors are employing social media, that company is being beaten by that same competition. The problem for new users of social media, on a company wide basis, is knowing how to do it correctly, and why the proper approach is critical for success. The authors not only outline the five major errors committed by companies as they use social media, but present a nine step program for using social media best practices that will pay off for the organization. The authors emphasize that the entire approach to social media must begin with a well thought out plan. As with any traditional marketing plan, knowing your target audience, writing useful content, and creating meaningful and measurable goals are essential for optimal results. The authors suggest starting small, with well trained and dedicated staff members, using the social media tools and platforms that they understand well. These pilot programs can then be scaled up when success is achieved and confidence is developed within the staff.

For me, the power of the book is how Sherrie Madia and Paul Borgese demystify social media for a skeptical and often reluctant business audience. The authors present a clear picture of the theory of how social media works, but also more importantly, why social media is a crucial component to a company's online presence. The authors point out the five most common pitfalls of unplanned and unfocused social media use by companies. With these mistakes examined and understood as to why they lead to social media failure, the book continues with a program for company use of social media the right way. The nine step plan offered by the authors is logical and takes into consideration well understood concepts from traditional marketing, public relations, and communications.

The authors also point out the differences between social media engagement and the usual one way broadcast media of traditional messages. The authors emphasize the importance of crafting a social media strategy, organizational policy, and an overall plan to ensure the success of the venture. The authors also include their valuable Social Media Survival Kit that contains links, a glossary, and sample documents to follow for more effective and sustainable social media use.

I highly recommend the valuable and must read book The Social Media Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business Exponentially with Social Media, 2nd Edition by Sherrie A. Madia and Paul Borgese, to anyone in business, government, or non-profit organizations who is seeking a clear guide to effective social media engagement. The authors show the reader how to employ social media the right way, while avoiding the disasters that have trapped many companies that entered the social media milieu unprepared and without a proper plan.

Read the essential and idea packed book The Social Media Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business Exponentially with Social Media, 2nd Edition by Sherrie A. Madia and Paul Borgese, and you will never fear social media mistakes or abandonment again. This book will change the way you think about and approach social media for business, and will give you the techniques necessary fro achieve success.

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