Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Fast Track Networking by Lucy Rosen & Claudia Gryvatz Copquin - Book review

Fast Track Networking

Turning Conversations Into Contacts

By: Lucy Rosen,Claudia Gryvatz Copquin

Published: June 20, 2010
Format: Paperback, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1601631219
ISBN-13: 978-1-60163-121-3
Publisher: Career Press

"Good networkers share their contacts altruistically", write President of SmartMarketing Solutions Group Inc, Lucy Rosen and award winning journalist Claudia Gryvatz Copquin, in their very practical and highly effective book Fast Track Networking: Turning Conversations Into Contacts. The authors share the tools necessary for becoming a successful networker, by helping other people connect with new contacts, and demonstrate how the entire circle returns to the person making the introduction.

Lucy Rosen (photo left) and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin provide a friendly, collaborative concept for initiating and nurturing valuable connections. Instead of the often used hyper-competitive model of networking, Lucy Rosen and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin chart a fresh course to making contacts with others on a more personal scale. The writers take the seemingly unusual approach of comparing networking to dating. As Lucy Rosen and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin write, not all dates work out and not all people are receptive as network contacts. Mingling and meeting as many new people as possible, while making introductions, will eventually lead to networking success. One of the principles that the authors share is the value of matchmaking contacts for other people. When seeking the best contacts for oneself and for others, it is best to not get discouraged, as the ideal connection might very well be the very next person met at an event.

Claudia Gryvatz Copquin (photo left) and Lucy Rosen guide their readers through the often intimidating and occasionally perplexing world of networking with east and good humor. They suggest the anxiety easing technique moving slowly and starting by meeting a small group of people, and sharing a few contacts with other people. The advice of setting small, realistic, and achievable networking goals is a useful one as it creates a guideline for the would be networker to follow. With a course of action, time table, and a reasonable number of contacts to meet, success can be achieved by everyone. That reaching of goals then leads to ever larger and more ambitious networking goals as a person's circle of close and casual contacts grows ever larger. Once some individual networking goals are surpassed, a person is then given the means by the authors to create larger networking groups to benefit ever larger numbers of people.

For me, the power of the book is how Lucy Rosen and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin transform the often frightening and bewildering world of networking into a happy and productive experience for everyone. Through their step by step process, anyone can start with almost no contacts at all, and soon become an experienced networker who is comfortable meeting people anywhere. The system for fast track networking is designed for meeting people and making contacts. The very idea that networking is about selling is removed from the equation entirely.The emphasis is placed correctly on meeting people, engaging them by listening, and developing long term relationships.

The fast track idea is also about helping others achieve their goals, make acquaintances, and find success. The book contains a valuable chapter on utilizing the power of networking to find a job, giving the book timely value in today's competitive job market. The authors don't ignore online networking, and how social media sites have transformed relationship building in ways not even imagined even a few years ago. At the same time, the authors share ideas for establishing networking groups, and for helping others meet the right people, through sharing of contacts.

I highly recommend the wonderful guide book Fast Track Networking: Turning Conversations Into Contacts by Lucy Rosen and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin, and learn how to become a skilled and helpful networker without the often accompanying stress and frustration factors. This book teaches how to become effective at networking regardless of the event. The book is especially good for women who may be trying to meet potential contacts for the very first time. The authors remove the intimidation aspect of networking that all too often prevents women from developing the best contacts.

Read the valuable and always interesting book Fast Track Networking: Turning Conversations Into Contacts by Lucy Rosen and Claudia Gryvatz Copquin, and discover for yourself that networking doesn't have to be a chore and full of disappointments. The authors turn the entire process of making contacts into an enjoyable experience where the benefits of networking are shared with others. The overall tone of the book as one of engaging people, starting conversations, and developing trusted contacts and associates helps both the novice and experienced networkers become sought after contacts and matchmakers themselves.

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