Selasa, 23 November 2010

World Class Diversity Management by R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. - Book review

World Class Diversity Management

A Strategic Approach

By: R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

Published: August 9, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages
ISBN-10: 1605094501
ISBN-13: 978-1605094502
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Practicing World-Class Diversity Management means operating a level that is the best in the world with respect to diversity management", writes renowned human resources expert, and CEO of Roosevelt Thomas Consulting & Training, Inc., R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. in his landmark and thought provoking book World Class Diversity Management: A Strategic Approach. The author describes how to achieve a globally recognized high standard of diversity management through application of his Four Quadrant model and his trademarked Strategic Diversity Management Process.

Roosevelt Thomas understands that any diversity management program, to be recognized anywhere in the world, must have develop an established standard of excellence and best practices. In order to create a common set of practices and standards, the author provides his Four Quadrant model of diversity management, as a starting point. The four quadrants include the core diversity values:

* Managing workforce demographic representation
* Managing demographic relationships
* Managing diverse talent
* Managing strategic mixtures

R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. (photo left) expands on the concepts presented in the Four Quadrants by providing in depth reasons why each quadrant is important. Not only does each quadrant present goals, motivations, and challenges but also expresses an unspoken and unnoticed way of thinking behind the stated purpose of each quadrant. The author delves deeply into the underlying assumptions that are associated with diversity management that goes beyond the usual superficial analysis. For the creation of a global standard for diversity management, the author recognizes that the systemic approach must go farther than race, gender, or culture. The method must also be useful to the organization and the workforce, and not become loaded down with value statements that fail to address the complexity of the issues. As a result, Roosevelt Thomas examines both the overall benefits of a diversity management program, and the obstacles in the path of its implementation by the organization.

For me, the power of the book is how R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. presents a powerful and workable framework for establishing a global diversity standard, but also provides the practical steps necessary for achieving that goal. While the goal of creating a workable and readily applicable diversity standard is a daunting task, the author demonstrates that such is system is not only possible but is usable in a wide variety of local, national, and international organizations. Roosevelt Thomas shares his program in detail, complete with a full understanding of its benefits, challenges, and possible obstacles to implementation.

The author takes a global and strategic perspective to the issues involved in diversity resulting in an objective and useful model that promotes discussion, acceptance, and analysis that works around the world. To illustrate the ideas presented in the book, the author shares the story of the fictitious CEO Jeff Kilt, who faces the diversity issues confronting business leaders, on a regular basis in a rapidly evolving global workforce. The actions taken by Jeff Kilt reflect how real world challenges are met through the principles described in this excellent book.

I highly recommend the seminal book World Class Diversity Management: A Strategic Approach by R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., to any organizational leaders in the public, private, or not for profit sectors seeking a richer understanding of the concept of diversity and how to embrace the opportunities presented by a diverse workforce. The principles offered in this fine book are workable, and present a framework for developing and enriching the diversity and cross-cultural aspects of a globalized workplace. The concepts shared by the author are equally effective in a local, national, or multinational setting.

Read the business transformational book World Class Diversity Management: A Strategic Approach by R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., and embrace the potential and opportunity presented by a diverse workforce. The future is multinational and cross cultural, and this book provides a guide to achieving success in that globalized present and future.

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