Rabu, 24 November 2010

Perform Like a Rock Star and Still Have Time For Lunch by Orna W. Drawas - Book review

Perform Like A Rock Star ...and Still Have Time for Lunch

By: Orna W. Drawas

Pubiished: April 1, 2010
Format: Paperback, 216 pages
ISBN-10: 0984265104
ISBN-13: 978-0984265107
Publisher: ROI Marketing

"When you perform like a rock star, something special happens. People notice you. People come to admire you. And people want to be associated with you", writes international speaker and goal achievement workshop instructor Orna W. Drawas, in her inspirational and peak performance building book Perform Like A Rock Star ...and Still Have Time for Lunch. The author describes how to maintain the focus necessary for achieving peak performance and provides the essential actions for maintaining the resulting positive momentum.

Orna W. Drawas equates being a peak performer with being a rock star. The comparison is an apt one as peak performers attract people, accomplish seemingly impossible feats, and become famous within their own context. Unfortunately, as the author points out, most people are far from achieving anything close to rock star status. People simply aren't performing at the peak level that elite rock stars demonstrate on a regular basis. The good news, according to Orna W. Drawas, is that anyone can become a rock star with a little practice and the right instruments. For the author, the opening act for any budding rock star is to take stock of their own current activities and obligations. Chances are that little things, ranging from e-mail to those routine daily interruptions, are keeping a person from becoming the peak performance rock star that is within them.

Orna W. Drawas (photo left) uses a combination of stories and delightful drawings to remove the curtain that so often surrounds success. While the concept of success is often discussed, but seldom explained adequately, the author provides the reader with an easy to understand description from which to work. When a person understands and recognizes what is really wanted in life, Orna Drawas points out that achieving those goals is much less difficult than is usually thought. The author provides the good advice of focusing on what is important, what helps to reach the desired goals, and then stopping doing what distracts from that target. Orna Drawas emphasizes priorities, and avoiding the time wasters, that get in the way of those priorities. With these side tracking time users removed from the to do lists, and the time that they consume focused instead on the ultimate goal, precious hours are made available for productive use. Through delegation, the containment of email, and better handling of meetings, the author guides a person away from the worst time wasters in most people's days.

For me, the power of the book is how Orna W. Drawas demonstrates, in clear and understandable language, how to focus on what is really important to success, and how to better use time during the day. Not only does the author share the theoretical concepts of superior goal setting, time management, and greater focus, but also shares a proven program for peak performance. The practical and easy to apply time management techniques will work for anyone, including those people who insist they have no time available in their schedule. Orna W. Drawas points out that much of what is thought to be important is really distraction. The book contains some very good advice for taming email to a manageable level, and also for using meeting time more effectively. As the reader goes through the concepts presented in the book, the recognition of time wasters and lack of focus becomes clear. With that realization in place, the reader is then ready to achieve rock star levels of peak performance.

I highly recommend the time saving and enjoyable book Perform Like A Rock Star ...and Still Have Time for Lunch by Orna W. Drawas, to anyone seeking a readable and useful book on superior time management and for achieving peak performance. The author shares the essential tools, in a usable and easy to put into practice format, for becoming a rock star.

Read the Perform Like A Rock Star ...and Still Have Time for Lunch by Orna W. Drawas, and discover how to discover your real goals, and how to achieve them. This book provides the tools necessary for achieving success, and you will still have time for lunch.

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