Kamis, 25 November 2010

Brand Rewired by Anne H. Chasser & Jennifer C. Wolfe - Book review

Brand Rewired

Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy

By: Anne H. Chasser, Jennifer C. Wolfe

Published: July 8, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 0470575425
ISBN-13: 978-0470575420
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

"The key to economic success in developing and maintaining brands is to design intellectual property strategy into the creative and innovation process", write intellectual property thought leader Anne H. Chasser and intellectual property attorney Jennifer C. Wolfe, in their insightful and groundbreaking book Brand Rewired: Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy. The authors describe the importance of a holistic approach to innovation that includes intellectual property considerations from the very beginning of the conceptual and design process.

Anne H. Chasser (photo left) and Jennifer C. Wolfe recognize the importance of brands to a company. Whether the organization is protecting or reinventing a century old brand, or developing an innovative new branded product, a strong brand image represents a clear competitive advantage. The authors demonstrate the critical importance of the brand, and the innovation it contains, represents valuable intellectual property. The authors take the position that brand development, due to its intellectual property component, must be rewired to reflect the realities of the modern marketplace and customer empowerment. The authors point out that there is no inherent conflict between strategic design thinking and intellectual property considerations. In fact, the authors make a powerful case that the inclusion of intellectual property concepts enhances the creative process through lower costs in innovation and legal protection, increased revenue, and a longer lasting and sustainable brand presence.

Jennifer C. Wolfe (photo left) and Anne H. Chasser understand that a decline in brand value can represent a financial disaster for a company. The recognition on the part of the most innovative organizations, that brands are a critical store of value, has led to a fusion of several key components in the creative process. The traditional separation of creative thinking from that of marketing, branding, and intellectual property has all but disappeared in the corporate innovation leaders. In its place is the rewired branding principle described by the authors. Through collaboration of teams drawn from widely disparate departments, and through input from customers, the innovation process has been transformed into holistic endeavor. Through the introduction of intellectual property consideration at the inception of the creative process, the value of the brand is strengthened and additional value is very often discovered for extraction.

For me, the power of the book is how Anne H. Chasser and Jennifer C. Wolfe describe how incorporating an intellectual property strategy into the innovation process strengthens the brand, increases revenue, and lowers present and future costs. The authors combine a strong theoretical framework for rewiring the brand development process with practical advice on how to utilize this innovation into any organization. The authors bring their own legal expertise in the field of intellectual property to the book, adding perspective from the judicial and legalistic viewpoint. Those legal concerns, when brought into the creative process from the very beginning, are demonstrated as crucial to gaining the full value from any new or existing brand.

The book contains valuable case studies from several successful corporations that have integrated the rewiring concept into their innovation. These real world examples add depth to the principles shared in the book, while illustrating the concept brand rewiring in action. With the application of an intellectual property strategy, a company not only develops a growing brand inventory, but also an ever increasing intellectual property portfolio. The competitive advantage resulting from this proactive approach to product development is reflected in greater profit potential and increased market share.

I highly recommend the important and must read book Brand Rewired: Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy by Jennifer C. Wolfe and Anne H. Chasser,to anyone seeking an improved and integrated approach to product and brand development. The information contained in this useful book will transform the way that any company approaches innovation and the creative process.

Read the essential and enterprise building book Brand Rewired: Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy by Anne H. Chasser and Jennifer C. Wolfe, and put the power of collaborative innovation through brand rewiring to work for your organization. The addition of intellectual property considerations to the development process will leave your competition far behind.

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