Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

I've Landed My Dream Job - Now What??? by Scot Herrick - Book review

I've Landed My Dream Job--Now What???

How to Achieve Success in the First 30 Days in a New Job

By: Scot Herrick

Published: May 5, 2010
Format: Paperback, 116 pages
ISBN-10: 1600051685
ISBN-13: 978-1600051685
Publisher: Happy About

"Without initial success - hitting the ground running - all your hard work securing your dream job will come to naught", writes career management expert and founder and CEO of Cube Rules LLC, Scot Herrick, in his very practical and timely book I've Landed My Dream Job--Now What??? How to Achieve Success in the First 30 Days in a New Job. The author describes the critical importance of the first thirty days on a new job, and how to turn that initial month into a springboard to future career success.

Scot Herrick recognizes that landing a dream job in today's difficult economic climate is an important achievement itself. At the same time, the author points out that the down economy is an ideal time for a new employee to demonstrate superior employment skills and initiative. Since all jobs represent a transition from one position or company to another, it's important for the previous job to end well. With that positive experience in place, the next step is to create a strong first impression in the new employment role, making that first thirty days much more important than many people realize. Scot Herrick shows the new employee how to approach the new job, through establishing immediate and longer term goals, getting to know the new manager and co-workers, and actively learning the job and the expectations for what constitutes success. The first days on the job are not the time to be passive or inactive.

Scot Herrick (photo left) understands that while the first thirty days on the job is very crucial to future career success, the amount of information to learned and digested is very large and often overwhelming. With this information overload in mind, Scot Herrick breaks down the first four weeks into manageable blocks, with each week having its own specific goals and accomplishments in mind. For the new job holder, Scot Herrick recommends a proactive approach where the employee gets to know the all of the stakeholders including the co-workers, the manager, and the customers. The author also reminds people to ask questions, provide samples of partial projects for feedback and guidance, and to ensure that all assignments are completed promptly. Scot Herrick also suggests learning the manager's style, developing your personal brand, and seeking ideas and feedback from customers. Through this active approach to the job, the new hire will develop a head start, while creating a positive first impression as a goal and results oriented employee.

For me, the power of the book is how Scot Herrick demonstrates the vital importance of the first four weeks on the job, and how to turn that initial month into a platform for future career success. The author provides practical and universal advice that can be applied to any new position. Scot Herrick shares tips for covering all aspects of the new job, from establishing goals to building a strong relationship with the manager and the customers. A really valuable part of the book is how each of the four initial weeks is given separate goals and achievements, keeping the new employee from becoming overwhelmed. Even more important are the review sections for the end of each weeks. With the provided checklists, the transitioning employee can discover what areas were covered and which aspects of the job require more information.

I highly recommend the easy to read and essential book I've Landed My Dream Job--Now What??? How to Achieve Success in the First 30 Days in a New Job by Scot Herrick, to anyone entering a new job, whether it's a first time job, a transition to a new company, or a promotion within the same organization. In every case, that first thirty days on the job, and the impression the person creates, have a powerful short and long term effect on the incumbent's career.

Read the helpful and advice laden book I've Landed My Dream Job--Now What??? How to Achieve Success in the First 30 Days in a New Job by Scot Herrick, and take control of your own career in that all important first month on the new job. The advice is so powerful that it can spell the difference between a long and successful career, and finding oneself derailed, in today's down economy.

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