Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Design Is How It Works by Jay Greene - Book review

Design Is How It Works

How the Smartest Companies Turn Products into Icons

By: Jay Greene

Published: July 29, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 240 pages
ISBN: 9781591843221
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin

"Let's demystify design. First, it's important to understand that design, at least the way I'm using the term, isn't merely about style and form", writes award winning journalist Jay Greene in his insightful and ground breaking book Design Is How It Works: How the Smartest Companies Turn Products into Icons. The author describes, through real world examples, how design creates a powerful competitive edge and a deeper relationship with customers, in a globalized economy where products become commodities almost overnight.

Jay Greene understands the intimate relationship between good product design and customer satisfaction. The author demonstrates the power of product design, and its critical importance to the success of a company, and the overall market acceptance of its products. Indeed, well designed products go far beyond their service and performance, and take on a deeper and richer meaning for the customer. Well designed products, created with the needs and desires of the customer in mind, can become important cultural icons, transcending their original use and intention. Because of the critical social, psychological, visual, and tactile importance of a unique and breakthrough design, Jay Greene writes that design is a crucial element to global company competitiveness. He also writes that design is not always accorded the respect and resources it deserves.

Jay Greene (photo left) recognizes the importance of design, and recommends that corporations integrate design thinking into the heart of their company culture. With design as part of the organizational DNA, there can no longer be mere lip service paid to the value of design. The concept of design, through market rewards for innovation, must be part of the entire process from engineering to marketing of products. Unfortunately, as Jay Greene points out, that is not always the case. Because design benefits are difficult to measure and quantify, they are often seen as unnecessary expenses. Since mistakes are often made, and designs get changed throughout the entire process, financially oriented executives can become frustrated with the design concept. At the same time, designers very often fail to articulate their ideas and innovations in language that non-design background executives can understand. These barriers must come down to create a richer understanding of what design is, and how it can benefit the company.

For me, the power of the book is how Jay Greene makes a strong case for the critical importance of design through real world examples of the process at work. Through the experience of design leaders Nike, Virgin Atlantic, Porsche, LEGO, OXO, and others, Jay Greene provides an inside look at how innovative design sets companies apart from the competition. In an increasingly globalized marketplace, design is one of the few real advantages that a company can develop that creates a unique customer experience. The profiled corporations have all incorporated design into the company culture, and made design and innovation the cornerstone of their competitive advantage. Instead of making the fatal error of simply modifying existing product design, these innovative leaders show how design requires a fresh, creative approach to every new product initiative. The author demonstrates clearly how innovative designs propel the customer relationships and also the profits of these design leaders.

I highly recommend the intriguing and must read book Design Is How It Works: How the Smartest Companies Turn Products into Icons by Jay Greene, to anyone seeking a competitive edge in the global product marketplace. Companies can become leaders in their industry, and develop a loyal and enthusiastic customer following, through innovative design. When products become commodities, the differentiation offered by an innovative design, can be the difference between global business success and becoming just another run of the mill organization.

Read the example packed and game changing book Design Is How It Works: How the Smartest Companies Turn Products into Icons by Jay Greene, and put the power of design innovation to work for your company. Setting your organization apart from the competition means greater customer loyalty, and a stronger bottom line result.

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