Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

e-Riches 2.0 by Scott Fox - Book review

e-Riches 2.0

Next-Generation Marketing Strategies for Making Millions Online

By: Scott Fox

Published: June 2009
Format: Hardcover, 336pp
ISBN-13: 9780814414620
ISBN-10: 0814414621
Publisher: AMACOM

"It;s a new world. Marketing has evolved from a series of one-way blasts at consumers to a living, breathing, two-way communications thing that needs constant care, attention, staffing, and (ideally) interaction with the customer audience, writes successful online marketing entrepreneur Scott Fox, in his very practical and no nonsense book e-Riches 2.0: Next-Generation Marketing Strategies for Making Millions Online. The author describes how to establish a money making internet based business using the advanced internet and social media tools of Web 2.0,

Scott Fox understands that modern internet marketing is about creating engagement with an audience. Social media represents a conversation with people, creating a sense of trust, that turns into a customer relationship over time. Scott Fox doesn't stop at the customer level. Through community building, a customer evolves into a loyal fan, and an evangelist for the products and services on the one hand, and for the community itself on the other. Interaction with the audience through many different contact points forms the basis of the book's step by step internet marketing strategy. Whether through tried and true tactics like e-mail newsletters and public relations, or by interaction and conversation through social media and blogs, Scott Fox presents proven, effective techniques for creating a successful online business.

Scott Fox (photo left) moves beyond most online business books by presenting real world, proven methods of approaching and building an audience. Instead of platitudes and theory, Scott Fox offers diverse and workable solutions. Should the online marketer prefers the more mainstream concepts of e-mail newsletters, public relations campaigns, article submissions, search engines, or pay per click advertising, the book contains valuable chapters on those topics. For marketers seeking more information on social media, blogs, podcasting, webinars, and video, there are useful and informative sections on each of those topics. Scott Fox never wavers from his commitment to guiding aspiring internet marketers to interact and engage their audience, making the book even more important.

For me, the power of the book is how Scott Fox combines his support for interaction with audiences with tried and tested internet marketing techniques. With an eye to engaging people and building community, the concepts presented are built for the longer term, for creating lifetime customers and loyal fans. Those readers seeking quick fixes to their internet marketing problems won't find them in this book. That is a good thing. A business built on trust, engagement, and community will have a much longer life, and also be more profitable. The author's emphasis on building an audience through multiple Web 2.0 concepts including online video, audio podcasting, and text based blogs and social media, demonstrates a commitment to the community. By offering the desired information in the form preferred by each individual in the audience, Scott Fox shows interaction with his communities.

I highly recommend the idea packed book e-Riches 2.0: Next-Generation Marketing Strategies for Making Millions Online by Scott Fox, to anyone seeking a reliable, open, and honest approach to building a long term internet business. At the same time, the book demonstrates that community building and audience engagement are profitable business. Every chapter contains solid ideas that can be utilized by both novice internet marketers, and by veteran online business people looking for advice on integrating Web 2.0 into their companies.

Read the very useful online marketing guide e-Riches 2.0: Next-Generation Marketing Strategies for Making Millions Online by Scott Fox, and learn how to leverage the cost effective and powerful marketing tools available on Web 2.0 to build a successful internet marketing business.

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