Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

The M-factor by Lynne Lancaster & David Stillman - Book review

The M-Factor

How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace

By: Lynne C. Lancaster, David Stillman

Published: April 4, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 320 pages
ISBN-13: 9780061769313
ISBN-10: 0061769312;
Imprint: Harper Business/HarperCollins

"The leading edge of the Millennial generation, born between 1982 and 2000, bagan showing up in part-time jobs in the late nineties, and not only has it made its presence known, this generation will continue to be a force to reckon with over the next decade and beyond", write generational experts, public speakers and cultural translators Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman, in their essential and insightful examination of the Millennial generation in the work force The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace. The authors describe how twenty-something employees are creating drastic changes in organizations, dispel the many myths that have arisen about the generation, and share ideas about how to build connections between older workers and the younger Millennial cohorts.

Lynn C. Lancaster (photo left) and David Stillman demonstrate how these bright young people can transform an company into a more successful enterprise, through understanding their cultural values, and recognizing the way they work and communicate. Any business leaders who learn the language and mores of the Millennial generation, will find their business revolutionized and positioned as innovative industry leaders in the coming decade. The authors turn aside perceptions held by older employees that Millennials are often spoiled, have an unreasonable sense of entitlement, and don't understand their position in the organizational hierarchy. In place of these criticisms, the authors offer advice on how to turn these supposed Millennial qualities into positive company building opportunities that benefit everyone in the organization.

David Stillman (photo left) is a member of Generation X, and Lynne C. Lancaster is a part of the Baby Boomer generation. As a result, the authors bring their own generational perspectives to the study of inter-generational workplaces. Through an extensive national survey of the Millennial Generation, and through their own extensive personal and business experience, the authors share what they describe as seven trends that involve Millennials. Those trends include:

* The role of parents
* Entitlement
* The search for meaning
* Great expectations
* The need for speed
* Social networking
* Collaboration

The authors point out that these characteristics, while different from previous generations, present valuable opportunities to transform companies into more creative, innovative, and productive organizations.

For me, the power of the book is how Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman combine their theoretical understanding of the Millennial generation, with practical advice for building successful companies by tapping into the positive qualities of the Millennial employees. The seven trends shared by Millennial cohorts are not the result of mere opinion, but arise from an extensive national study of twenty-somethings in the workplace. The authors combine their survey analysis with their own years of experience with translating Millennial culture to organizations. Through understanding how Millennials work and interact with others, the book provides critical advice for helping both Millennial and older employees work together to create a successful, innovative, and profitable company.

I highly recommend the pioneering and must read book The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace by Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman, to anyone seeking deeper insights into how the Millennial generation approaches work, and how to turn their enthusiasm into a productive force within a company. At the same time, the book is a very useful primer for older employees to get to know how Millennial workers differ from Generation X and Baby Boom employees, removing potential misunderstandings and conflicts before they can occur.

Read the practical guidebook The M-Factor: How the Millennial Generation Is Rocking the Workplace by Lynne C. Lancaster and David Stillman, and discover why it's critical to your company to understand and motivate Millennial employees the right way from the very beginning of their employment. The Millennials are the future of all companies, and it's essential that their skills be integrated into the company as seamlessly as possible. Combining the innate traits of the Millennials, with more experienced Generation X and Baby Boomer employees, will prove an unbeatable combination for any business looking to be an industry leader in the twenty-first century.

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