Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Conquering Innovation Fatigue by Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins & Mukund Karanjikar - Book review

Conquering Innovation Fatigue

Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success

By: Jeffrey Lindsay, Cheryl A. Perkins, Mukund Karanjikar

Published: July 2009
Format: Hardcover, 279pp
ISBN-13: 9780470460078
ISBN-10: 0470460075
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

"Conquering innovation fatigue begins with understanding the journey of innovators at a personal level. It begins with recognizing the "fatigue factors" they face and then seeking for solutions to help them reach success", write innovation thought leaders Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, in their groundbreaking and landmark book Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success. The authors describe the factors that inhibit and even derail innovation, and share some insightful and unique techniques to get innovation efforts back on the road to success.

Jeff Lindsay (photo left), Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar recognize that innovation is very difficult work for any organization, and that often results in innovation fatigue. The authors point out that despite the critical importance of innovative breakthroughs to a company, many barriers are often placed in the path of of any achievements. Through a series of case studies, interviews, and their own personal experience, the writers highlight nine barriers to innovation to overcome and avoid. Those nine roadblocks, in three different but related categories include:

People Fatigue:

* Theft of inventions and exploitation of inventors
* Innovator deficiencies
* NIH "Not Invented Here" syndrome

Organization-level Fatigue:

* Breaking the will to share
* Fundamental flaws in decision making and vision
* Open innovation fatigue

External Fatigue:

* Patent pain: barriers to intellectual property protection
* Regulatory pain: challenges in regulation, policy and law
* University-industry barriers

Cheryl Perkins (photo left), Mukund Karanjikar, and Jeff Lindsay understand that these nine barriers are serious detriments to successful innovation, but they are not insurmountable walls. To counter these issues, the authors present workable and proven solutions to each of the three categories of innovation fatigue problems. They share four innovation strategies that can be applied to inject new life into a company's innovation process. They include "the Horn of Innovation (TM)", the "Circuit of Innovation (TM)", "Da Vinci in in the Boardroom (TM)", and "Disruptive Intellectual Strategy".

Mukund Karanjikar (photo left), Jeff Lindsay, and Cheryl Perkins provide a very in depth description of the factors that contribute to personal and organizational innovation fatigue. Along with the nine fatigue challenges, for me the power of the book is how the authors recognize the barriers to innovation, and then offer a series of practical and applicable solutions to overcome those problems. Their revolutionary processes storm the barricades of innovation fatigue, breaking down the personal, organizational, and institutional roadblocks that are very often inadvertently placed in the way of innovative achievement. The essential nature of innovation to the future success of a company is very often forgotten in the quest for short term profits. This book brings the process of innovation, and how to solve its myriad of challenges, back to the forefront of business thinking.

I highly recommend the essential guide to enhancing innovation through removal of obstacles Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success by Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, to anyone who is serious about creating a sustainable and effective culture of innovation. Through the authors' careful analysis of the barriers to innovative excellence, the book provides a solid framework for establishing a workable framework for innovation, free from intentional or accidental roadblocks to success.

Read the insightful and innovative book Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success by Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, and utilize the techniques described by the authors to turn your organization into an innovative powerhouse. Instead of a moribund and frustrated innovation culture, discover the transformational concepts that will propel any company into an innovative leader, regardless of organizational size or industry.

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