Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Toby Bloomberg: Social Media Marketing GPS - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Award winning blogger, acclaimed marketing expert, and social media guide at industry leading blog Diva Marketing, Toby Bloomberg describes how she wrote a book, using the popular social media platform Twitter, titled Social Media Marketing GPS. While many books have been written about Twitter, this marks the first major book written on Twitter. Toby shares ideas for leveraging the power of Twitter in unexpected ways to boost business and to create an industry buzz. Toby's free downloadable ebook features contributions, in the form of multiple 140 character tweets, from many of the leading internet marketing and social media experts in the business.

Toby Bloomberg is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, June 1, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Award winning blogger, marketing expert, and social media guide at industry leading blog Diva Marketing, Toby Bloomberg describes how she wrote a book, using the popular social media platform Twitter, titled Social Media Marketing GPS.
You will learn:

* How a book can be written using the Twitter platform

* How to leverage social media in new and exciting ways

* How social media, including Twitter, is changing the face of business

* Some challenges facing authors when seeking book publishers

Toby Bloomberg (photo left) is native of Boston (you knew that from the "jimmies") who found her way to the South, well to Atlanta, although some people still consider Atlanta part of the South.

Over 15-years experience in marketing. Grew-up in a the marketing research biz, my dad had a data collection company. Hooked on potential of the Internet in '97. Her imagination soared with thoughts on how this media could create old-fashioned, corner-grocer-store relationships and real-time customer service in a world that had forgotten the importance.

Toby's love and strengths are in building strategic marketing plans that use Interactive/new media as a core tactic and integrate traditional into one master branding plan. Good at seeing the big picture with an eye to detail. Always with the customer at the center. Always research-based.

National speaker and facilitator of Social Media Marketing and traditional marketing topics for organizations like the American Marketing Association, Olympic Organizing Committee, PRSA, BlogHer, BlogWorld, 3M, M/A/R/C, Purina, The Women's Congress, BusinessWire, SCORE. Articles published in Marketing News, Atlanta Business to Business, RevenueToday. Quoted in Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Atlanta Business Chronicle, INC. More: http://tinyurl.com/6p9z2s

Toby's "other life" includes serving on boards of the American Marketing Association, the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association. Most fun is chairing the American Marketing Association's online communities and moderator of Internet/eCom SIG.

After chairing the first (2004-2005) national (and highly successful) workshop on blogs which was sponsored by American Marketing [www.marketingpower.com] in major markets: Seattle, NYC, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco and Chicago, Toby realized a need to include Social Media Marketing Consulting and workshops on business/marketing blogging/social media to her offerings.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with award winning blogger, acclaimed marketing expert, and social media guide at industry leading blog Diva Marketing, Toby Bloomberg as she describes how she wrote a book, using the popular social media platform Twitter, titled Social Media Marketing GPS. While many books have been written about Twitter, this marks the first major book written on Twitter. Toby shares ideas for leveraging the power of Twitter in unexpected ways to boost business and to create an industry buzz. Toby's free downloadable ebook features contributions, in the form of multiple 140 character tweets, from many of the leading internet marketing and social media experts in the business on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips - Book review

The Devlin Diary

By: Christi Phillips

Published: April 2010
Format: Trade Paperback, 464 pages
ISBN-10: 1416527400
ISBN-13: 9781416527404
Publisher: Gallery

A vicious murderer lurks the court of King Charles II, leaving a trail of bodies, and few clues as to the identity of the killer. In modern day Cambridge University, scholar Claire Donovan is caught up in the murder of a fellow of Trinity College. Strangely, a diary of Hannah Devlin, a physician at the court of Charles II, provides a mysterious link between the terrible murders of that day, with the possible murder of the modern historian. The story of two remarkable women, the unsolved murders in their respective historical eras, and the mysterious diary that links the women through time, form the basis for the stunning, page turning novel The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips.

Christi Phillips weaves an intricate plot that reaches across time, from events in 1672 Stuart England, to present day Trinity College at Cambridge University. The author creates a story of two women, both somewhat out of place in their respective worlds, who discover their inner strength and overcome societal obstacles to achieve success. In 1672, Hannah Devlin, a physician when women were banned officially from the profession, defies the authorities as well as convention, to demonstrate her skill as a physician and her strength as a person. She is also a very skilled and detailed diary writer. In modern Cambridge, Claire Donavon, an American scholar in a different academic milieu, is faced with challenges of convention, tradition, and interpersonal relationships that threaten to derail her career as a historian. Her discovery of Hannah Devlin's diary, and its impact on events in the modern world, leads her both into danger and possible academic roadblocks.

Christi Phillips (photo left)

The author develops several important themes in the book. They include the problems and challenges faced by women in male dominated professions, the unchanging aspects of human nature and people's motivations, the very real impact of events of the past on people and society in the present day, and the power of seemingly insignificant individuals to cause change in the course of history. Through intricate storytelling, and believable characters who act as they should, Christi Phillips brings the court of King Charles II to life, complete with its finery, intrigues and ostentatious displays. The people and events of that tumultuous era are recorded by diarist Hannah Devlin, whose writings form the catalyst for the current events at Cambridge. Not only do the actions of Hannah Devlin make a real and lasting impact on her own time, but her writings form the basis of events centuries after her death.

I highly recommend the exciting and spell binding novel The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips, to anyone seeking a fascinating glimpse into the life of Restoration England, and how events of that time echo through the centuries to affect people in the present day. The characters are real, and memorable, and the author brings the people of Stuart England to life with an immediacy that sweeps the reader seamlessly into the past. Through a dual story telling technique, that parallels the intrigues of the court of Charles II with the office politics of modern British academia. Through the entire book, two strong and fascinating women hold the reader's attention, as the plot unfolds with many twists, turns, and dead ends.

Read the exciting and well written novel The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips, and discover how the past truly does affect the present, and how every day people can indeed influence the course of history.

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Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Mark W. Johnson: Seizing The White Space - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Strategic innovation thought leader, co-founder and Chairman of Innosight, and author of the visionary and business transformational book Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal, Mark W. Johnson, provides an in depth look at what it takes to conceive and implement an innovative business model capable of transforming markets. He also examines some of the leading edge companies who are embracing these strategies. Mark creates a road map for leaping into what he calls the white space of opportunity for companies to transform and renew themselves. This white space exists outside of a company's usual mode of operation and presents an opportunity for growth and fresh thinking on innovation. Business model innovation provides a language and framework for understanding both the core of the enterprise and the white space that is hoped to be seized.

Mark W. Johnson is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, May 27, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Strategic innovation thought leader, co-founder and Chairman of Innosight, and author of the visionary and business transformational book Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal, Mark W. Johnson, provides an in depth look at what it takes to conceive and implement an innovative business model capable of transforming markets. You will learn:

* What is meant by seizing the white space

* How the three different white space areas create new opportunities

* How to use the white space process to create new business models

* Why seizing the white space builds sustainable company growth

Mark W. Johnson (photo left) is chairman of Innosight, a strategic innovation consulting and investing company with offices in Massachusetts, Singapore, and India, which he co-founded with Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen. He has consulted to the Global 1000 and start-up companies in a wide range of industries—including health care, aerospace/defense, enterprise IT, energy, automotive, and consumer packaged goods—and has advised Singapore’s government on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Mark’s most recent work has focused on helping companies envision and create new growth, manage transformation, and achieve renewal through business model innovation. This work is the subject of the McKinsey award–winning Harvard Business Review article, “Reinventing Your Business Model,” as well as his new book entitled Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal, published in February, 2010 by Harvard Business Press. Mark has published articles in the Sloan Management Review, Business Week, Advertising Age, and National Defense.

Prior to co-founding Innosight, Mark was a consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, where he advised clients on managing innovation and implementing comprehensive change programs. Before that, he served as a nuclear power–trained surface warfare officer in the U. S. Navy.

Mark received an MBA from Harvard Business School, a master’s degree in civil engineering and engineering mechanics from Columbia University, and a bachelor’s degree with distinction in aerospace engineering from the United States Naval Academy. He currently serves on the board of the U.S. Naval Institute.

Mark, his wife, Jane Clayson Johnson, and their children live in Belmont, Massachusetts.

My book review of Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal by Mark W. Johnson.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with strategic innovation thought leader, co-founder and Chairman of Innosight, and author of the visionary and business transformational book Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal, Mark W. Johnson, as he provides an in depth look at what it takes to conceive and implement an innovative business model capable of transforming markets. He also examines some of the leading edge companies who are embracing these strategies. Mark creates a road map for leaping into what he calls the white space of opportunity for companies to transform and renew themselves. This white space exists outside of a company's usual mode of operation and presents an opportunity for growth and fresh thinking on innovation. Business model innovation provides a language and framework for understanding both the core of the enterprise and the white space that is hoped to be seized on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Seizing The White Space by Mark W. Johnson - Book review

Seizing the White Space

Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal

By: Mark W. Johnson

Published: February 22, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 240pp
ISBN-13: 9781422124819
ISBN-10: 1422124819
Publisher: Harvard Business Press

"The term white space has been used in business parlance to mean uncharted territory or an underserved market", writes strategic innovation thought leader and co-founder and Chairman of Innosight, Mark W. Johnson, in his visionary and business transformational book Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal. The author goes beyond the standard concept of white space, and presents a convincing case that white space goes beyond the basic definition, to include activities outside of a company's core business model and its adjacencies, requiring an entirely new business model.

Mark W. Johnson understands that white space is difficult to define. Where white space may represent available opportunities outside of one company's area, those same opportunities may represent the core business for another organization. In the case of a company considering entering a white space, there is the challenge of risk. For many organizations, the risk of failure is considered too great, and many potential new products and markets are missed as a result. The compromise position, taken by many enterprises, is to enter into related markets, adjacent to their core product line. While potentially profitable, the adjacent market doesn't represent a transformation of the business model in a fundamental way, leaving the company vulnerable to more innovative competitors.

Mark W. Johnson (photo left) recognizes that a risk averse business strategy contains different, and often unaddressed risks of its own. Dependence on the current business model may not be sustainable over the longer term. As new competitors, improved products, and more efficient business models enter the marketplace, current strategies, products, and business models can become obsolete. To counter this dangerous complacency, the author proposes the concept of business model innovation where white space can be exploited on three different levels, to enhance innovation while controlling risk factors.

The three levels include:

* The white space within: Transforming existing markets
* The white space beyond: Creating new markets
* The white space between: Dealing with industry discontinuity

For me, the power of the book is how Mark W. Johnson addresses the challenge of innovation, and redefines white space, in a holistic manner that transforms business models to create sustainable growth. The author looks beyond the standard application of white space to create a fresh vision of organizational models as generators of opportunities. To achieve the necessary organizational transformation, Mark W. Johnson presents a repeatable process for reexamining the current business model to discover white space on three different levels. The new process provides for unlimited innovation and growth potential, that in turn spur additional adjacencies, and opportunities to develop and exploit further white space innovation. The risk factor is reduced, through the development of a workable framework and innovation process, turning white space into unlimited potential markets and opportunities.

I highly recommend the ground breaking and thought provoking book Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal by Mark W. Johnson, to anyone seeking a fresh and dynamic model for exploiting the opportunities presented by a more comprehensive approach to white space. The author describes the concept of white space as a continuum, rather than a static entity. As a result, potential for creating new products and markets exist everywhere along that larger and redefined business model.

Read the essential guide Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal by Mark W. Johnson, and put the concept of a repeatable innovation process to work for your organization. The process creates unlimited areas for business model transformation, for ensuring sustainable company growth and renewal, while reducing the risk of complacency.

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Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Rick Mathieson: The On-Demand Brand - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Strategic marketing expert, Vice-President and creative director for Creative: Advertising & Interactive Media, and author of the revolutionary and and visionary book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World, Rick Mathieson, reveals ten secrets for capitalizing on the right mix of digital channels and experiences for any brand. Discover how to cause your brand to demand attention in a crowded marketplace. In a world where consumers want brands when and how they choose, learn how to connect with today's elusive customer. Find out how to move beyond new media to the next stage of now media.

Rick Mathieson is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 25, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Strategic marketing expert, Vice-President and creative director for Creative: Advertising & Interactive Media, and author of the revolutionary and and visionary book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World, Rick Mathieson, reveals ten secrets for capitalizing on the right mix of digital channels and experiences for any brand. You will learn:

* How new media is being transformed into now media

* Why giving up control of the message leads to greater consumer engagement

* How leading marketers are moving beyond social media to the next level

* The ten rules for branding success in the digital era

Rick Mathieson (photo left) is an award-winning writer, author, speaker and frequent media commentator on the converging worlds of marketing, media and technology.

His insights on postmodern marketing have been featured in ADWEEK, Advertising Age, Wired and on MSNBC, CBS Radio and NPR.

His research into next-generation business models has earned praise from USA Today and Dow Jones Interactive.

His book Branding Unbound has ranked among Amazon.com’s top-selling books on advertising, and was rated “one of the best marketing books of the year” by Midwest Book Review. And it has been selected for inclusion at the business school libraries of UC Berkeley, Stanford, Georgetown and Harvard. His second book, The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World, hit the bookstores Spring, 2010.

Rick Mathieson has also been a featured speaker at industry events such as Digital Hollywood, The Global Retail Executive Council, The Microsoft Leadership Forum, Yahoo’s “Branducation” lecture series and The American Management Association’s “Corporate Branding” series, among others.

Over the last few years, he has briefed executives from FedEx, Virgin America, Bloomingdales, Yahoo, MasterCard, Hard Rock Café, Accenture, Novartis, Franklin Templeton, and many others, on trends in digital marketing and emerging media platforms.

Mathieson has also served as an adviser to venture capital firms seeking expert opinion on potential investments in companies developing consumer-facing digital marketing solutions.

As Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge puts it, Rick Mathieson is “a strategic marketing expert” whose work “demystifies successful practices in a way that should encourage and inspire other marketers.”

A veteran of the advertising industry, Rick Mathieson currently serves as vice president and creative director for one of Silicon Valley’s most prominent advertising agencies.

Over the course of his career, he has produced award-winning creative work for a veritable “Who’s Who” of global brand names, including HP, Sun Microsystems, Palm, Business Objects, NEC Solutions America, Cellular One, Ferrari Club of America/West and Specialized Bicycles.

Rick Mathieson blogs at Genwow.

My book review of The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World by Rick Mathieson.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with strategic marketing expert, Vice-President and creative director for Creative: Advertising & Interactive Media, and author of the revolutionary and and visionary book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World, Rick Mathieson, as he reveals ten secrets for capitalizing on the right mix of digital channels and experiences for any brand. Discover how to cause your brand to demand attention in a crowded marketplace. In a world where consumers want brands when and how they choose, learn how to connect with today's elusive customer. Find out how to move beyond new media to the next stage of now media on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

The On-Demand Brand by Rick Mathieson - Book review

The On-Demand Brand

10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World

By: Rick Mathieson

Published: April 2010
Format: Hardcover, 304pp
ISBN-13: 9780814415726
ISBN-10: 0814415725
Publisher: AMACOM

"This book is about an approach, a way of assessing consumer insights and harnessing innovation to best capitalize on the major consumer trends of the next decade - the ones we recognize and deal with today, as well as the ones we haven't yet imagined", writes marketing thought leader and Vice-President and creative director for Creative: Advertising and Interactive Media, Rick Mathieson in his brilliant and visionary book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World. The author describes ten core rules or principles for marketers to build on-demand brand experiences in new and innovative ways.

Rick Mathieson recognizes that brand building in the digital age is based on experiences, and as a result, many time honored marketing concepts are falling by the wayside. Indeed, many marketers and advertisers may never understand the new digital reality, and their brands may never catch up to the experience based brands. Rick Mathieson goes beyond the well trodden path of new media, and introduces the more revolutionary concept of "now media". Purveyors of leading brands have already moved past the initial waves of viral marketing, social media, user generated content, and mobile marketing, toward a more all encompassing branding experience. The marketers in these leading corporations are already thinking in terms of now media, and on-demand brands that turn a product into an entirely new experiential adventure for the consumer.

Rick Mathieson (photo left) emphasizes that the now media is about much more than simply technology. While technological advances play an important role in facilitating the on-demand brand experience, they are only one of many tools. For any digital interaction between branders and customers, a relationship must be established first based on trust and an understanding of the brand's meaning on a personal level. Social media must become a conversational leader, as the brand experience must be personalized, and also compelling both on an entertainment and in a deep personal resonance. No longer can marketers attempt to control their messages. Instead, welcoming customer generated content and experiences transforms the shared experience where control of the message is shared communally.

For me, the power of the book is the profound examination of the digital marketing experience of brands described by Rick Mathieson. The book provides both a theoretical framework to initiate fresh thinking and dialogue on branding in the atomized, digital marketplace, and real world case studies of the concepts in action. The author makes clear that the very concept of new media is not only outdated, but also misguided in principle. The on-demand brand must operate in what Rick Mathieson calls the now media, where digital immediacy and experience move past the technological barrier and enter into the deeper human consciousness. For marketers, the very idea of re-imagining their long held ideas about branding and marketing, is presenting an ongoing and difficult challenge. Without a clear understanding of the ten rules for digital marketing, marketers who persist with outmoded thinking will find their brands shut out by digital minded, experiential consumers.

I highly recommend the insightful and profound book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World by Rick Mathieson, to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the underlying forces at work in branding in the digital era. The book opens the marketer to the endless possibilities of on-demand branding, going beyond the tools, and presenting a new vision of a radical new approach to experiential marketing.

Read the landmark book The On-Demand Brand: 10 Rules for Digital Marketing Success in an Anytime, Everywhere World by Rick Mathieson, and discover how the ten principles of digital marketing success can transform a lackluster branding experience to one that resonates with the consumer at a deeper level. This book will spark creativity and innovation, and set your brand apart from the competition.

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Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Franke James: Dear Office-Politics - Author interview

Speaker and author on office politics, the environment, and social change Franke James, was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions about her fascinating and 2010 Axiom Award winning book Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays. The author describes how she employs a game within a book format, to tackle the most frequent and troubling issues that arise in office politics and their effects on organizations and their employees.

Thanks to Franke James for her very comprehensive and informative answers about her book on one of the most challenging of ethical dilemmas that face employees everywhere: that of office politics.

What was the background to writing this book Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays?

Franke James: Writing and publishing Dear Office Politics has been quite an adventure. It’s taken 7 years for it to come to fruition, and required collaboration with people from around the world — on a topic that is universally regarded as touchy.

Back in 2002, I read a news article about Dr. John Burton, a professor who was teaching Ethics at a business school. John talked about Ethics as a skill that requires practice. Just like weight lifters who gain strength and build muscle by regularly lifting heavy weights, John explained that people need to practice making ethical decisions. Wow! I loved that analogy. It made perfect sense to me. I contacted John, and he agreed to work with me to answer letters sent into OfficePolitics.com. The Ethics area was meant as a companion to an online game, however it quickly became the main attraction. It really was addressing a need.

Over the years, the site has attracted many more experts (business authors and executive coaches) who were willing to share their expertise. Dear Office Politics features seven of the Office-Politics Advisers (Erika Andersen, Rick Brandon, Jennifer Glueck Bezoza, John Burton, Timothy Johnson, Marty Seldman, and John Challenger) who have worked with me to answer hundreds of letters.

However, the game-book as you see it now almost didn’t get published. In 2008, I had a book contract from a major U.S. publisher and a $20,000 book advance. But the book I’d worked years to create was being changed from a colorful role-playing game into a standard, gray-text, “business” book. This suited the publisher just fine. But for me, it was the antithesis of what I’d dreamed of. I’d beta-tested a new type of training book that merged entertainment and education. It got people talking about touchy office politics issues and practicing ethical decision-making. That was the book I had a burning desire to publish.

I felt torn. So, I used the game questions to arrive at a solution. I stepped into the publisher’s shoes. I put it to the TV News test. I analyzed the power structure. And, I found a solution that was in everyone’s best interests. I canceled the contract and paid back the advance. One year later, I self-published and started selling Dear Office-Politics on Amazon.

Considering the journey, it’s especially satisfying that it just won a 2010 Axiom Business Book Award for HR training. And it makes me feel great to see how it’s helping people improve their political skills and their ability to make ethical decisions.

You follow a letter to the "Dear Office Politics" expert, in the form of a game, as your format. Why did you choose that technique for sharing information?

Franke James: Office-Politics is such a touchy issue. Nobody wants to discuss it. Almost everyone says smugly, “I don’t play office politics.” But office politics is all around us. You can’t duck it. That will only ensure you don’t see it coming when you get whacked in the head. Being politically savvy is a critical life skill and it can be a positive force if you approach it with integrity. It’s all about influencing people, selling your good ideas and getting into power so you can do the right thing.

So – why did I choose a game format? Because games allow people to wear a mask. Players can discuss touchy office politics issues openly without fear.

Each player gets to step into the role of “Office-Politics Adviser” and offer their advice on thorny issues. (Many people think they know what the other person should do to fix their problems – so this game is their chance to step up and give advice.) The game format provides a safe way to discuss difficult workplace issues and the opportunity to practice ethical decision-making and creative problem-solving. It also gives workers the opportunity to observe how their colleagues make ethical decisions — which can be very revealing and fascinating!

The game-book is structured into two parts. The first half of the book contains the Ethical Evaluation Grid and the Dilemmas – which are actual letters that have been sent in from workers around the world. The second half are the answers provided by the advisers. However, players can come up with their own solutions to the Dilemmas. The advisers’ answers are offered as a guide to show how problems can be analyzed and suggestions given. They are not intended as “This is the one and only solution.”

There are a wide range of Dilemmas to choose from. My suggestion is to customize the game by pre-selecting the Dilemmas that are most relevant in your office.

Franke James (photo left)

Many people discover too late that office politics exist in every office setting. How does your book prepare people so they can avoid the pitfalls of office politics?

Franke James: Many people write into the site and say how disillusioned they are that they can’t seem to avoid office politics. And they’re right. Because it’s everywhere. Office-Politics Adviser Dr. Rick Brandon has a quote that always makes me laugh: “Even though some companies are less political than others, none have repealed the laws of human nature. Even in the Girl Scouts of America, we hear there are lots of politics. If there are no politics, check the people’s pulse in your company since they are probably dead!”

So the truth is we can’t duck office politics by pretending it doesn’t exist. Those who do will just miss the social signals – the early warning signs that something is afoot. And they’ll get hammered. Office politics is everywhere, from big businesses to small. It crosses all cultural boundaries, and even affects the self-employed – if that individual has to deal with clients and or suppliers.

My advice is to become politically skilled and learn to play the game with transparency and integrity. Dear Office-Politics helps people to do that. They are able to read the Dilemmas. And then practice coming up with ethical and workable solutions. The game rules include a four-part evaluation grid. Those four questions are the key to become politically skilled.

1. The TV News Test asks you to assess how your behavior would be seen by the outside world. (Imagine if Enron employees had seriously considered that.)

2. The Other Person’s Shoes: Many of the letters sent into the site demonstrate a reluctance to think about the other person. So the game asks players to put themselves in the other person's shoes. Even if you don’t agree with the person in the slightest it will give you insight into how the other person will react and it may suggest compromises that will help to diffuse difficult situations. (Lawyers use this technique all the time to anticipate how the other side will defend themselves.)

3. Power Analysis: You need to understand the power structure -- and realize what power you hold, so you can decide if you want to go into battle on an issue. It can also give you insight into who you need to win support from if you’re going to succeed with your initiative.

4. The Company's Best Interests: We’re all inherently selfish. This question asks players to think of the company's best interests. It doesn’t mean that their personal interests are no longer important – but asks players to expand their vision and also consider what is in their company's best interests.

Does a person have to be an avid reader of Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, and practice its advice, to survive in office politics?

Franke James: No. Dear Office-Politics is about playing the game with integrity and transparency.

How can a person who is ethical, and prefers to avoid office politics and entanglements, benefit from your book?

To get maximum value out of the book, readers have to become active players. You have to jump in and actually play the game using the ethics quadrant. I know that stating views publicly will be scary for some people. But it takes the experience to a whole new level. It’s like the difference between passively watching TV, and actively getting up on stage and speaking your mind. For those who are nervous about playing the game with coworkers, try it at home with friends and family first.

What causes some employees to put their personal interests first, even to the detriment of the organization as a whole?

Franke James: I believe we’re all inherently selfish. Society teaches us that the smart guys look out for themselves first. But this selfishness is short-sighted and frankly, it’s bad advice. The best way for an individual to consistently win is to raise his or her sights and always keep the company's best interests in mind. If the company wins, you’ll win too. But if the company loses, and you win – then you’ve lost. Your reputation and opportunity for advancement go out the window.

How can your book help someone gain insight into how other co-workers are thinking, to avoid office politics in those relationships entirely?

Franke James: It’s not often that we get to observe how another person thinks, and what steps they take in making decisions. Dear Office-Politics lets you do that. Each player gets the opportunity to step into the shoes of an Office-Politics Adviser and offer advice. The other players listen to that player’s reasoning and can gain valuable insight into how they make ethical decisions – and what factors are most important to them. It can be very revealing as to character and motivation.

And in answer to the second part of your question, “avoid office politics in those relationships entirely” – well, office politics will always be present. You can’t get rid of it, but you can learn to be aware of the unseen political forces, and hone your political skills to bring about good and just results, for yourself, the company, and society.

How important is mutual respect between employees at the same or different levels of an organization to prevent office politics from dominating everyone's workload?

Franke James: Respect is key. Lack of appreciation and understanding for a coworker’s role are at the root of many office politics problems. It’s easy to dismiss another person’s concerns and to trash their opinion. That is why the Other Person’s Shoes game question can be so helpful. Feedback I’ve heard is that the question gave insight into challenges the other person was facing – and with better understanding, respect often follows.

How can an employee receive proper credit for their own work without appearing to be showing up other co-workers?

Franke James: There are two parts to my answer. The first is often a shock to people. They don’t want to hear this, but it’s the truth. Most companies own their employees’ ideas. It’s considered their intellectual property. So when you come up with an idea, remember that. You don’t own your idea, the company does.

If we think from the company’s point of view, we’ll recognize that it’s in the company's best interests to get ideas circulating. They want ideas to cross-pollinate across the entire organization so that the idea will grow, be improved and – if it’s really good -- take on a bigger life and make profits for the company. No company wants an employee to hoard ideas from other coworkers.

But it’s human nature to be afraid of letting our ideas go. We all want to get credit for our hard work. However the reality is that most ideas are not born perfect. If you trace back successful projects to their inception, you will find that most have been improved upon through input from other people. Growing ideas is an iterative process. The seed of a brilliant idea grows bigger as each person adds their own creative juice to it.

There’s a way to get credit and keep the company happy. This comes to the second part of my answer. At Office-Politics we advise people to leave their handprint on their work. This can be done in a variety of ways – here are four.

1. Generate discussion about the idea and actively look for ways to improve it. Essentially it means sharing your idea by talking about it, emailing it to others, documenting it in company memos – the more ways you can publicize your idea, the better your chances are of getting credit for it — and seeing it grow into something you’re proud of.

2. This may seem counter-intuitive but one of the best ways to leave your handprint is to acknowledge that others have contributed to it…. Be the one who steps up and acknowledges the contributions of others – in writing and verbally. Don’t hoard the glory – share it. Think of a Hollywood movie and the long list of rolling credits at the end. Many people share in winning an Oscar. It’s never about one person.

3. You will earn respect and gratitude from coworkers by acknowledging their contribution to the idea (and their brilliance).

4. Be identified as the bright “go-to” person for new ideas. Become known as a clever, innovative thinker who generates new ideas — and helps others grow and improve their ideas. You will be a far more valuable employee that way, and someone that others will want on their team.

Is there a real "winner" in office politics, or is the end result far different from that simplistic assessment?

Franke James: You’re right. Being declared the winner of Dear Office-Politics is not really what it’s about. (Although the game structure allows a winner to be declared, you can also play the game without scoring.) The real winners are the people who use the game-book to improve their political skills.

Here are the benefits that I see from playing the game:

Team Building: Dear Office-Politics builds trust through better understanding.

Enhancing Communication: Dear Office-Politics gets people telling stories.

Exercises Ethical Muscles: Dear Office-Politics lets people exercise their ethical muscles by role-playing ethical decisions.

Appreciating Roles: Dear Office-Politics gets people talking about roles and responsibilities.

Raise Awareness: Dear Office-Politics raises awareness of the other person’s feelings.

Understanding Culture and Fit: Dear Office-Politics gets people thinking about culture and the importance of fitting in.

What is the single most common question you receive about office politics in general?

Franke James: It’s hard to say pinpoint one question. Having ideas stolen is a common one. And so is gossip. On the site, the letters are divided by category. They are:

# Backstabbers & Snakes
# Betrayals & Whistle-blowing
# Brownnosers & Sycophants
# Bullies and Bad Bosses
# Climbing the Ladder
# Cliques
# Coworkers driving me Crazy
# Goodbye! Quitting. Being Fired
# Jealousy, Envy and Lust
# Nepotism & family matters
# Office-Princesses, Boss' Pet and Halos
# Power Plays
# Rumors, Gossip and Buzz
# Stealing Credit
# Toxic Workplaces

What is next for Franke James?

Franke James: Good question! I think I see a sequel! Seriously, I’m delighted that Dear Office-Politics has been so well received and won an Axiom Business Book Award. Trainers have been using the game (in earlier variations) in workshops and at events since 2005. My next project is to develop Dear Office-Politics into a customizable workshop package that can be used by HR trainers. So, any HR trainers who are interested in taking part can contact me at ceo@officepolitics.com


My book review of Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays by Franke James.

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Dear Office-Politics by Franke James - Book review

Dear Office-Politics

the game everyone plays

By: Franke James

Published: April 30, 2009
Format: Paperback, 144 pages
ISBN-10: 1439230544
ISBN-13: 978-1439230541
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing

"Office politics crosses all cultures, and respects no boundaries. It seeps into organizations of all shapes and sizes. Neither gender can claim greater prowess, or ignorance of office politics. It gets under everyone's skin. You can't escape it. But you can (and should) learn to play the game", writes speaker and author on office politics, the environment, and social change Franke James, in her fascinating and 2010 Axiom Award winning book Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays. The author employs a game within a book format, to describe the most frequent and troubling issues that arise in office politics and their effects on organizations and their employees.

Franke James recognizes that office politics are found in every organization, large or small. Since they are inescapable, the author and the book's eight featured guest experts, share ideas to avoid being trampled by shrewd office politics players. Because the entire concept of office politics leads to some very tricky ethical and moral dilemmas, Franke James has developed the unique concept of turning a book about office politics situations into a game. In a game format, players can assume different personae, take positions on issues that they would usually avoid, and learn through game activities how to prevent office politics from derailing their ideas, projects, or careers. Because the issues surrounding the very concept of office politics are very sensitive, the game play technique provides a workable, and very practical teaching tool for anyone, regardless of their position or organization.

Franke James (photo left) understands that office politics affects everyone in an organization, but not all employees share the same level of skill or awareness of the implications. Along with her guest experts, Franke James shares wisdom and practical advice to the most perplexing office politics problems. Using real world letters, written to the adviser Dear Office-Politics over a seven year period, the book as a game is based on actual problems and dilemmas that arise in offices every day. The game format is simple and fun to play:

* Read the dilemma aloud
* Offer advice in the form of a solution
* Score the round by rating the advice
* Win the game with the highest score

For me, the power of the book is how Franke James combines wit, important information and ideas from guest experts into an engaging and educational game about ethics. The author doesn't teach Machiavellian trickery and deceit. Instead, Franke James provides real life questions that place caring and ethical people into serious dilemmas every day. Through the role playing exercises that are part of the game, people are able to examine the many situations in a constructive way. The resulting responses to the questions bring out creative and ethical solutions to many of the trickiest office politics quandaries. In the end, the best ideas are the ones that work in a positive way for the organization, its employees, and for society as a whole. The thought provoking game format requires critical thinking, and a clear understanding that doing the right thing usually brings forward the best possible business, personal, and societal result.

I highly recommend the ground breaking game within a book Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays by Franke James, to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the ethical dilemmas faced with office politics situations in a safe and non-threatening way. Since all organizations, regardless of size or type experience office politics, this game book provides a powerful hands on teaching tool for creative resolution of ethical decision making. The lavish and often very funny illustrations are a delightful added bonus feature of the book.

Read the accessible and engaging book Dear Office-Politics: the game everyone plays by Franke James, and play the game within a book so that you won't lose in the rough and tumble real world of office politics. The discovery that the most ethical, collaborative, and win win solutions are a winning formula for the organization, the employees, and society as a whole makes this book a definite must read. The book is well deserving of its award winning status.

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Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

The New Korea by Myung Oak Kim & Sam Jaffe - Book review

The New Korea

An Inside Look at South Korea's Economic Rise

By: Myung Oak Kim, Sam Jaffe

Published: April 1, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages
ISBN: 9780814414897
Publisher: AMACOM

"Forty years of spectacular growth and transformation catapulted Korea to the status of an industrial powerhouse and the fifteenth largest economy in the world, according 2008 World Bank data, despite its small landmass", write investigative journalists Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe, in their important and insightful book The New Korea: An Inside Look at South Korea's Economic Rise. The authors describe how the history, politics, culture and society have shaped Korea into an economic and business powerhouse facing a future that is both bright and filled with challenges.

Myung Oak Kim (photo left) and Sam Jaffe provide a complete assessment of the Korean economy, from its incredible rise from the ruins of the Korean War, into an economy that ranks among the most successful in the world. The authors point out the historical factors that helped create the Korean economic growth, and how that history of a country divided into North and South Korea, still affects the country and its future.

The first major economic growth phase for Korea was through low cost labor, a strong work ethic, and a collective spirit. The new Korea has maintained that work ethic and national pride, but wages and salaries have risen to a level nearing those of the West. At the same time, the quality of Korea's products, from the state supported development of world class brands such as Hyundai, LG, and Samsung have built a reputation for excellence. The challenge facing Korea is to continue the growth of the economy, the further expansion of global trade, and to become more market than state supported in economic policy.

Sam Jaffe (photo left) and Myung Oak Kim recognize that the culture of Korea plays a critical role in how Korean society will evolve over the next decades. As a society both traditional and modern, Korea and her people must overcome many culturally related obstacles, as the country becomes ever more important in the globalized economy. The national obsession with golf has propelled Korean women golfers into the international spotlight, giving Korea exposure on a world wide scale. As the Korean economy, its companies, and its people grow in international importance, the eyes of the world will be turned ever more closely on the Asian nation.

With the isolated North Korean state casting a shadow over the future of the peninsula, the people of South Korea must consider many different futures, with not all of them peaceful in nature. At the same time, the South Korean corporations and government must determine whether to play safe like Japan, or continue the successful growth strategies that created the Korean economic growth.

For me, the power of the book is how authors Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe provide a comprehensive overview of the many diverse factors that contributed to the past growth and future challenges for Korea. The book contains an important description of the history and politics of the once insular Hermit Nation, and how those same forces continue to influence Korea today and tomorrow. The authors present a complete discussion of how the major global business brands, including Hyundai, LG, and Samsung began their rise to international leadership.

Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe also point out that Korea is at a crossroads economically and culturally, and critical decisions must be made in politics and in corporate boardrooms, to meet the winds of globalization and continue to sail forward successfully. The book also contains a valuable section on living and working in Korea, and how cultural aspects of the country affect business relationships for both Koreans and for international business people.

I highly recommend the landmark and must read book The New Korea: An Inside Look at South Korea's Economic Rise by Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe, to anyone seeking a deeper and richer understanding of the Korean economy, society, and the challenges facing the country and its people in the twenty-first century. The book provides a glimpse into the coming years, and asks the crucial questions of what type of economy and society that will be chosen by Koreans. The many options for the economy include the low wage model of India and China, the no growth safe path taken by Japan, or take a new and uniquely Korean path to economic prosperity. At the same time, the authors provide some possible future scenarios involving neighboring North Korea and its relations with the South.

Read the fascinating and essential book The New Korea: An Inside Look at South Korea's Economic Rise by Myung Oak Kim and Sam Jaffe, and gain numerous insights into the impact of multiculturalism, Western business people, technology, domestic and international politics, and societal change will affect the New Korea.

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Heather Huhman: #ENTRYLEVELTweet: Taking Your Career From Classroom To Cubicle - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Career expert, and Founder and President of Come Recommended, and author of the advice filled book that aims directly at providing job finding tips for graduates #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle, Heather R. Huhman shares ideas for new college graduates to help jump start their careers. Heather takes the new grad successfully from college to entry-level job or internship. She shares ideas and tactics to move seamlessly from student to employee without missing a beat. Heather's ideas are practical and proven to get results for graduates from any academic background. The tips include how to get the job, to starting out with a great first impression, to becoming a successful entry level employee on the way to a bright and rewarding future.

Heather R. Huhman is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, May 20, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Career expert, and Founder and President of Come Recommended, and author of the advice filled book that aims directly at providing job finding tips for graduates #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle, Heather R. Huhman shares ideas for new college graduates to help jump start their careers. You will learn:

* Why recent graduates often have difficulty finding entry level employment

* How to discover the "Unique You" to start the job seeking journey

* How to put together the right set of career tools

* How to land that first position and succeed when on the job

Heather R. Huhman (photo left), Founder & President of Come Recommended, is passionate about helping students and recent college graduates pursue their dream careers. As the oldest child in her family – even among her extended family – she did not have anyone to guide her through the trials and tribulations of developing her career. Now, as an experienced hiring manager and someone who has been in nearly every employment-related situation imaginable, she is serving as that much-needed guide for others.

Heather knows and understands the needs of today’s employers and internship and entry-level job seekers. Her expertise in this area led to her selection as Examiner.com’s entry-level careers columnist in mid-2008. The daily, national column educates high school students through recent college graduates about how to find, land and succeed at internships and entry-level jobs.

Additionally, Heather is a career expert for the CAREEREALISM Twitter Advice Project, the job search expert for Campus Calm, a contributor to One Day, One Job, One Day, One Internship, Intern Advocate and Personal Branding Blog, and author of #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle (2010) and the e-books Relocating for an Entry-Level Job: Why You Probably Have to & How to Do It (2010), Graduated, Unemployed & Un(der)insured: Why You Need to Stop What You’re Doing Right Now to Purchase Health Insurance and How to Pick the Provider & Plan Best for You (2010), and Gen Y Meets the Workforce: Launching Your Career During Economic Uncertainty (2008).

Heather resides in the Washington, DC area with her husband, dog and two cats.

My book review of #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle by Heather R. Huhman.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with career expert, and Founder and President of Come Recommended, and author of the advice filled book that aims directly at providing job finding tips for graduates #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle, Heather R. Huhman as she shares ideas for new college graduates to help jump start their careers. Heather takes the new grad successfully from college to entry-level job or internship. She shares ideas and tactics to move seamlessly from student to employee without missing a beat. Heather's ideas are practical and proven to get results for graduates from any academic background. The tips include how to get the job, to starting out with a great first impression, to becoming a successful entry level employee on the way to a bright and rewarding future on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

#ENTRYLEVELTweet: Taking Your Career From Classroom to Cubicle by Heather Huhman - Book review

#ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01

Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle

By: Heather R. Huhman

Published: January 25, 2010
Format: Paperback, 112 pages
ISBN-10: 1616990244
ISBN-13: 978-1616990244
Publisher: THINKaha

"Organizations want to hire employees who provide results. While you might not have much work experience, you have plenty to offer", writes career expert and founder and President of Come Recommended, Heather R. Huhman, in her advice filled book that aims directly at providing job finding tips for graduates #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle. The author shares 140 practical and timeless ideas for recent college graduates, seeking that first job or internship, to guide them on the road to employment success.

Heather Huhman understands that graduates don't always receive helpful advice from well meaning family members, friends, or college staff members. As a result, many graduates find themselves lacking the essential job finding skills necessary in today's challenging employment market. Even though young graduates possess the skills that are in demand by employers, many find difficulty in receiving interviews or job offers. The author recognizes this dilemma, and starts at the beginning, by sharing techniques to get that employment search started on a solid foundation. Heather Huhman begins her book with guidance for the graduate in finding their real inner goals and career plans. Once the grads discover their own values and personal identity, they are on the path to finding a career suited to their skills and ideals.

Heather R. Huhman (photo left) has made a career from helping recent graduates find entry level positions that lead to rewarding careers. Because job finding skills are not part of the curriculum at most colleges and universities, Heather provides a valuable service with this book through sharing her experience in the real world of employment. Presented in the form of tweets, that are a staple of many internet savvy job seeker's experience, the book provides straight to the point answers to the most challenging employment seeking questions. From the critical importance of networking, to how to apply for entry level and intern positions correctly, Heather Huhman shares a wealth of valuable information in bite sized pieces. A Millennial graduate who follows this advice, will have a real advantage, in the quest for that all important first job.

For me, the power of the book is how Heather Huhman distills complex job finding information into short, easy to read and digest portions. Each page contains only one or two tweets of advice, but each tiny block provides critical career information. The author stresses the vital importance of developing networking skills, as eighty percent of all jobs are filled through networks. The book fills in that crucial information gap with practical, and actionable tips that can be applied by anyone. The book also recognizes the growing importance of the internet, personal websites, and social media for job seekers to help in the search and to provide solid evidence of technological skills. Heather shares tips for interviews to nail that job interview, as well as sound advice for making a great first impression when arriving on the job. While many books stop where the job is secured, Heather Huhman carries the new recruit through the critical first months at the new job.

I highly recommend the short and direct book #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle by Heather R. Huhman, to any new college graduates who are seeking that all important first entry level position or an internship. The book can be read in one sitting, and can be opened at any point in the job search process for additional wisdom.

Read the handy and very useful book #ENTRYLEVELtweet Book01: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle by Heather R. Huhman, and through discovery of your authentic self and your dreams for the future, you will find that rewarding first job. This is a book that will be read and reread, and will continue to provide advice and wisdom from the beginning of the job search until long after the reader is established in that entry level job or internship.

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Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins & Mukund Karanjikar: Conquering Innovation Fatigue - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Innovation experts, thought leaders, and co-authors of the groundbreaking and landmark book Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success, Jeffrey Lindsay, Cheryl A. Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, share ideas for overcoming the challenges businesses face with innovation. They describe the factors that lead to innovation fatigue and how to avoid them. They demonstrate how to create the connections that bring innovations to market, and how to use low cost intellectual assets beyond just patents to enhance disruptive innovation. They introduce the concept of the "Horn of Innovation" and how add the innovative power of "Da Vinci in the Boardroom".

Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 18, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Innovation experts, thought leaders, and co-authors of the groundbreaking and landmark book Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success, Jeffrey Lindsay, Cheryl A. Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, share ideas for overcoming the challenges businesses face with innovation. You will learn:

* Why innovation is so challenging and frustrating for many companies

* The nine roadblocks that stand in the way of innovation success

* How to use new techniques to overcome those innovation challenges

* How to add disruptive innovation concepts to your organization

Jeff Lindsay Ph.D. (photo left) is Director of Solution Development at Innovationedge (Neenah, Wisconsin) and former Corporate Patent Strategist at Kimberly-Clark Corp. He is an innovation enthusiast with over 100 patents in numerous areas. Prior to 13 years of experience in the innovation community at Kimberly-Clark, Jeff was an Associate Professor at the Institute of Paper Science and Technology on the Georgia Tech Campus.

Jeff is a registered U.S. patent agent with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University, where he was a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow. Jeff is chair of the Forest Bioproducts Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and is a member of the Licensing Executives Society.

Jeff blogs at InnovationFatigue.com and SharpIP.com.

Cheryl Perkins (photo left is a sought-after keynote speaker and innovation thought leader who has traveled the world for more than 25 years to present her expertise in innovation to executives and innovation leaders. Cheryl is the founder and President of Innovationedge, a strategic global innovation consultancy that helps executives define their strategy and deliver breakthrough innovations, and helps inventors create strategic corporate partnerships for commercial success.

Before founding Innovationedge , Cheryl served as Kimberly-Clark’s Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, where she led the global health and hygiene company’s innovation and enterprise growth organizations. Cheryl was named by BusinessWeek as one of the “Top 25 Champions of Innovation in the World.” She is also Chair of the International Congress on Co-Development, a leading forum advancing open innovation.

Cheryl blogs at InnovationEdge.com/blog.

Mukund Karanjikar Ph.D. (photo left) is a senior associate at Technology Holding LLC (Salt Lake City, Utah), a firm specializing in commercialization of breakthrough innovations focused on the area of energy and environment. Prior to Technology Holding, he was a consultant assisting energy companies in creating innovation alliances. He also worked with Chevron Technology Ventures LLC (Chevron Corporation) and Rallis India Limited (a TATA enterprise). He has published articles on topics including idea management, new product development and open innovation.

Mukund has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from the University Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. He serves on proposal review boards of the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, and is Chair of the Management Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

My book review of Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success by Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

My book review of The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself by John Jantsch.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with innovation experts, thought leaders, and co-authors of the groundbreaking and landmark book Conquering Innovation Fatigue: Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success, Jeffrey Lindsay, Cheryl A. Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar, as they share ideas for overcoming the challenges businesses face with innovation. They describe the factors that lead to innovation fatigue and how to avoid them. They demonstrate how to create the connections that bring innovations to market, and how to use low cost intellectual assets beyond just patents to enhance disruptive innovation. They introduce the concept of the "Horn of Innovation" and how add the innovative power of "Da Vinci in the Boardroom" on Blog Business Success Radio.

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