Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

-able by Scott Ginsberg - Book review


35 Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Success in Business and in Life

By: Scott Ginsberg

Published: July 12, 2010
Format: Paperback: 306 pages
ISBN-10: 0972649786
ISBN-13: 978-0972649780
Publisher: HELLO, my name is Scott!

"The only thing in life you have control over is yourself", writes award winning blogger, speaker, and "The Nametag Guy", Scott Ginsberg in his inspirational and success building book -able: 35 Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Success in Business and in Life. The author shares his strategies and tactics for creating a more balanced and satisfying life in business and in personal relationships.

Scott Ginsberg recognizes that a person must build their own personal success and goals from the inside. At the same time, as more people seek a deeper balance between their lives and work, the author shares ideas for ending that disconnect in a person's life. With the application of the thirty-five strategies recommended in the book, a person can overcome the barriers to achieving a more engaged and satisfying life. For Scott Ginsberg, that change must begin with the only thing a person can control in their lives. That one consideration is changing themselves, and the way they approach the world, and interact with other people. The good news, according to the author, is that all of the necessary strategies for changing attitudes and reactions, can be learned and made part of a person's approach to life and to others.

Scott Ginsberg (photo left) makes the point in the book that he wants to share his view of the universe. Indeed, he states openly that he wants to convert people to accept his point of view. That concept is that a person only has control over themselves, and to achieve success and fulfillment, the person must increase the odds of success by making themselves more -able. The book contains the ingredients for creating the mixture of -ables that can boost the odds of success, tremendously. Scott Ginsberg divides the thirty-five -able strategies into six major groupings:

* How to be more Findable
* How to be more Pursuable
* How to be more Referable
* How to be more Requestbale
* How to be more Sellable
* How to be more Successable

With these -ables in place, a person is well on the way to achieving success in both their business or career life, and in their personal lives.

For me, the power of the book is how Scott Ginsberg sets out to bring people over to his view of the universe. He presents the reason for the desire to convert others to his way of thinking. He shares the strategies and tactics he believes are most effective at achieving goals, reaching success, and finding a balanced work and professional life. He succeeds at that reaching that objective. The techniques are presented with an engaging blend of humor, anecdote, and actionable methods. The author's timeless and universal theory of life provides a framework for building the strategies.

Scott Ginsberg's tactics are practical, and can be applied immediately to the reader's own life. The focus is on the reader creating the conditions of being -able to achieve personal, career, and life goals. Scott Ginsberg opens the idea of what constitutes success up to include whatever the reader considers to be success. Scott understands that success means very different things to different people. The author shares the tools for opening from the inside, whatever door the reader chooses to select. As a result, the book contains unique appeal and a useful message for every individual reader.

I highly recommend the practical and motivational book -able: 35 Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Success in Business and in Life by Scott Ginsberg, to anyone seeking a very readable, easy to understand, and readily applicable book of tactics for enhancing one's opportunities for reaching their goals. The author leaves the definition of success up to the individual reader, but shares concepts and ideas that can be utilized effectively by anyone.

Read the empowering and fun book -able: 35 Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Success in Business and in Life by Scott Ginsberg, and discover how to help the universe help you achieve success. With this book, you will make yourself more -able to grasp opportunities in business and in life when they present themselves. After all, as Scott writes, the only thing in this life you can control is yourself.

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