Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Young World Rising - Rob Salkowitz - Book review

Young World Rising

How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship are Changing the World from the Bottom Up

By: Rob Salkowitz

Published: June 8, 2010
Format: Hardcover, 224 pages
ISBN-10: 0470417803
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

"The spread of information networks and the development of information and communication technology (ICT) skills across a broader swath of the workforce open new avenues of prosperity that did not exist even a decade ago in many parts of the world", writes speaker, consultant and founder of MediaPlant LLC, Rob Salkowitz in his groundbreaking and thought provoking book Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship are Changing the World from the Bottom Up. The author shares the seldom reported story of how young people, in the developing world, are leveraging the power of global networks and information technology to lead a revolution in entrepreneurship that will turn the global economy upside down.

Rob Salkowitz recognizes this revolution in information technology is a bottom up phenomenon, very often under the radar of national governments and global corporations. The convergence of youthful energy, entrepreneurship, and information and communication technology (ICT) forms the basis for this business sea change sweeping the world. Leading the way are members of the generation born since 1980 - the Millennial Generation - which has grown up in a world of the internet, high expectations of success, and exploding information technology advances. Utilizing this unprecedented access to global networks, these creative young entrepreneurs are changing not only their own future, but for everyone in the world as well.

Rob Salkowitz (photo left) understands that the new youth led global entrepreneurship revolution is different from the already established knowledge economy. The young entrepreneurs are providing leadership and innovation that takes sharing of knowledge much deeper and widely based than ever before. In the first place, the young entrepreneurs have access to technology that was not available to previous generations; even very recent ones. The youth of the world have enormous numbers who are very well connected through global networks, and a strong sense of community that goes beyond traditional international borders. They also share a strong commitment to the principles of market forces as leading the way to a shared and progressive future.

For me, the power of the book is how Rob Salkowitz articulates the growing trend toward technology based entrepreneurship, spearheaded by young people, from all over the world. This youth based ITC revolution is being experienced in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Latin America, creating a network of interconnected young people on a worldwide stage. Rob Salkowitz points out that the global youth entrepreneurship groundswell presents both promise and peril. While the transition to an ITC based economy could result in inter-generational conflict, the future can take a more positive and collaborative form. With the benefits in terms of peaceful international relations, more jobs, greater economic prosperity, and a stronger global interconnectedness offering a better future for everyone, the rising young world represents a positive development. At the same time, Rob Salkowitz reminds us that the challenges of this one possible future, need to be addressed. To that end, he provides ideas to ease the transformation to an entrepreneurial world, driven by young people.

I highly recommend the insightful and visionary book Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship are Changing the World from the Bottom Up by Rob Salkowitz, to anyone seeking a more complete understanding of the youth based entrepreneurial ITC boom sweeping the developing world. The book will inspire governments, corporations, international organizations, and non-governmental agencies to seek fresh, market based initiatives to ensure that the entrepreneurial revolution continues without being derailed by special interests.

Read the inspirational and globally empowering book Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship are Changing the World from the Bottom Up by Rob Salkowitz, and discover the unlimited innovation and potential of the global Millennial generation, as it leads the world into a future marked by the power of entrepreneurship. This book describes the challenges and opportunities that are offered by global youth, as they harness the potential of global interconnectedness for the benefit of the entire planet.

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